Sunday, September 30, 2007

my lovely ss birth

today is ss birthday..we gonna goin to pizza junction celebrate birthday with,yin & lala only,.all together is 4 & yin didnt seen her for ages gonna meet her this afternoon..^^ pick me already reach there,,we ordered 1st..yin came later..we ordered combo..chit-chat lor..hehe..we 4 really nvr been like this for some years already..great memory..=)

29/9 (sat)

what a sunny morning!..but i was confusing that whether want to go cindy's hse or not..-.-'' kakak came in my room and told me mum just back home..i went to talked with her..haiy..still the same..nvm least she wont be too sturborn to want to get some thing frm reach here about 8pm..then i told vick i can go..why i wan to go?bcos didnt see him mah so loh..every sat i sure will out with him de coincidence de,..^^

in the afternoon
sleepin lo..slep at 2pm till 4pm then get up on9..5.30 baru take bath n get ready..he pick me up at 6.30pm..1 of his fren in his car..anderson..

night time
cindy live at batu kawa there,.,woo..quite far ler..reach her hse..not that much ppl..all is frm that night de point 1 didnt come..phew~
after eating,gals all take funny..and the boys all watchin tv..cindy ask me overnight her hse..but unfortunately,i couldnt..i have to look after my mum..stay until 11pm baru back happy and enjoyable..hehe..^^

back home..woo,..saw dad bought me a padini coler t-shirt & CLINELLE toner,and the most i like is FERRERO ROCCER....woooooo..thats the 1 i like happy lah today..hahahha...haiyoyo..that ping really mz lah..she choose the brown in colour t-shirt for me..i don like dark in colour de lah~haiyo..i more like light colour lah..grrr..anyway today really totally enjoyable & lovely night.. n.n

Thursday, September 27, 2007

bloggie again

tuesday(25th sept)

dad went to kl this tuesday..and mum went to aunt7 hse overnight..home left me ,bro & kakak..quite usual..cos im 习惯alone already..thats why this is 1 of the reason that make me 孤僻gua..tuesday is mooncake festival oh..for me,watchin tv and sms-ing with lazy gal any special programme that nite..i went outside watch the moonlight at 8smth..couldnt watch the full moonlight bcos the moonlight was hide by the cloudy~after that 10 smth i went out again..woo..quite round oh..heheh..nice.beautiful~

wednesay(26th sept)
today is small bear birthday./.but he absent today/vick 2day din come to sch..din have test so..they say tomolo got koperasi meeting..back earlier/..where got back earlier till 4th period..then 10am go to dewan listen wat koperaso de i prefer don come..zo bai ask me go kuan jie birthday..but i feel like don wan to fren..and i tidak kenal his tel hui that im not goin to his birthday party/..

today is cindy my date too/ happy..she & me got fate oh~hehe..mine is the day of next month..this morning didnt go to sch..i woke up by 9.45am..vick msg me at 8.47am..wa..after 1 hour i bau reply him..'p,,
10 smth mum& popo back home..i saw mum looks okay..but still got a bit different..popo wanted withdrawal $ frm call nanakuku fetch us..she told me not to tell him the i lie to him that i wanna withdraw $..went to rhb bank..i really got felt some terrific bout that accident..the tree didnt bengkok but its kulit脱掉..haiy..

this afternoon..doin my bm revision+copying notes+on9..din take nap at all..yin ask me wan go work at civic centre as a waitress or not this sat./.but i transport ler..haiy..sien..and i scare i'll drop down the dishes kia ar!i msg dad ask him buy toner for me..dono he'll buy for me or ques yin'd ask me..i dono how to ans actually..haiy,..don wan get annoying by those ques..

Saturday, September 22, 2007

1 of my new fren

this afternoo,went to matang grandpa with dad,mum & popo..they wanted to take fu frm grandpa..haiy..traffic jam..sien..almost 5smth back home..i wanna get ready,cos wan to celebrate cindy's birth..actually i know her frm fs..she is tyc's cousin..i'd been met her the 1st time during vick's birthday was the 2nd times met her..we went to bdc point 1 celebrate..wa..wen yik give her a super big pinky pig..very softener..hehhre..cute~..
reach there,all together got got come..i really shoocked..and dono what to do..he did saw me i think so..we 2 sit far cant see each other appetite ar me..--''..we took cindy's camera./.sit until 10pm..baru decide go to friendship park..11pm back home..

Friday, September 21, 2007

recover lots

when i'd been back frm my sch on yesterday..i ask kakak how was mum..she said mum didnt talk any crap..more better already..i talk with mum..hmm..she really didnt say anything..jus chat with me as normal..thats very good to all of us..a good news..^^..all she can do is sleepp..sleep almost wholeday ler..i think the medicine is rea;lly strongful to her,,went mjc with dad & popo..raining ler..--'' bought alots of vege,.,.--''..1 years oso cant finish eating lah..haha..

today,help pn chai did the kelab spbt books for nexzt year f4 student..subject sivik..dono what is that ar..luckily we don have to study this sub..hahah..'p..went for a drink after done the is going to penang tonite..jus go enjoy.,so nice..hehe..i really so talkative hor~talk non-stop..hahha..

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


昨天没去学校..一大早起来发现我的脖子动弹不得..糟糕..很痛..'( 妈咪最近都在讲一些有的没的..完全像个精神有问题的人..我和婆婆都拿她没办法,一跟她顶嘴她又要大开杀戒了..很恐怖,,咳..下午了爸爸他们回来了,他看到我睡在沙发上正想要拿他身上的裤带打我的美丽的大腿时,好才我睁开眼睛赶快跟他解释我做么没去学校..跟他说我的脖子扭到了..他讲要带我去看铁打..阿~我从来没去过给这些人urut..都是看婆婆她们去给这些人urut..想必一定很痛的..爸爸叫葛葛待我去alis road的..我好怕哦,..那个人叫我进去./.坐下来的时侯,他就开始叫我放松,帮我压压筋,真的好痛..他扭我的头的那刹那.,crack的声音好大声阿!.吓死我了..他问我还有哪里受伤的,我说头部..他用力的推散我的头部,搽了药水然后拿火材烧他的手就跟我按我的头部..我的头快要冒烟了阿..救命阿..真的好恐怖阿所谓的urut..--'
晚上了,aunt5来..妈咪一直说要出去买东西..我那阿姨又不清楚我妈到底有多神精.就答应我妈说要带她去bdc everise买东西..

去到学校,跟拉&飞莉讲我的经过..她们都满惊呀的..只可惜我的脖子不能随意转动..需要慢慢的移动身子跟人说话..满辛苦的..放学回了爸叫我走路去market 的toilet找他..uncle tan载他..到家了,妈还是那样的固执的,要出去吃..我们都忍不住了,爸便带她去G.H..我和葛葛还没冲凉便换衣服跟爸一起去..妈一路上还是很爱骂人..
到了G.H,给她坐wheel chair,我们一点多去,五点才回到家..天阿!!这五个小时里面,你们都很难想像她到底做了什么丢人现眼的事..咳..她很生气一直要回家..我,爸跟葛葛都好累阿..累垮了..医生拿了妈妈的血,便给一些calm药..晚上我没去补习..因为好累了..

Monday, September 17, 2007


分考卷了..fail我的physics,sej..sej 35%..但是还没加我的buku kerja的10分koh..所以很庆幸的及格了,amt get 40 smth..haiy..grade D ar..tiam..ting didnt come..oh oh..i forget hui no back home.. 刚 好 看 到 妈 咪mc 我.. 我便叫她来载我.. 她说ok.. 回家了 , 她要去rhb拿钱..
我 真 的 没 有 想 到, 去 拿 钱 竟 然 会 发 生 在 我 们 两 身 上.. 我 一 上 车 还 没 来 得 及 系 好 安 全 袋, 妈 咪 就 退 车, 她 竟 然 睬 油.. 一 瞬 间 就 撞 到 树 了.. 那 一 目 我 真 的 不 知 如 何.. 脑 袋 一 片 蒙 糊.. 妈 咪 晕 晕 了, 我 赶 忙 开 门 下 车 喊 人.. 我 的 头 好 痛.. 敲 到 镜 子.. 真 的 好 痛, 好 像 被 人 用 了 一 把 棍 敲 下 去 这 样,. 好 才 妈 咪 没 事.. 只 是 头 晕 晕.. 一 下 子, 就 被 好 多 过 路 人 围 绕 着..rhb 的 员 工 问 我 要 叫ambulance 吗.. 我 当 时 真 的 作 不 了 决 定 就 点 头 了.. 赶 快 打 给 爸 爸 叫 他 来.. 还 有 阿 姨 她 们.. 我 真 的 不 知 所 措.. 就 好 像 在 看 连 续 剧.. 不 幸 的 发 生 在 我 身 上,.. 眼 泪 不 停 的 流.. 也 说 不 出 话 来.. 后车 撞 的 好 烂, 整 个 凹 进 去.. 我 真 的 好 怕 好 怕..ambulance 的 声 音 很 近 了.. 爸 爸 和 葛 葛 也 到 了.. 爸 叫 我 跟 着 妈 咪 进ambulance.. 真 是 不 如 意.. 跟 进 去 了, 里 面 的 医 务 人 员 忙 着 问 我 问 题, 我 说 我 的 头 被 敲 到, 他 便 帮 我 搽 气 风 油.. 姐 姐 们 都 纷 纷 打 来 问 我 状 况..mumy 也 是, 还 叫 我 一 定 要 给 医 生 看 我 的 头.. 可 是 我 没 有 告 诉 医 生.. 因 为 大 家 忙 着 问 妈 妈 的 状 况, 所 以 我 也 不 敢 说.. 回 家 揉 鸡 蛋 就 好.. 妈 妈 没 什 么 大 事, 医 生 批 准 她 能 回 家 了.. 我 好 累 哦.. 一 路 上 都 偷 偷 的 流 眼 泪.. 想 必 应 该 会 登 报 纸 吧.. 天 意..;( 永 远 是 我 心 中 的 一 条 难 以 抹 去 的 疤~

Sunday, September 16, 2007

舞台之星大决赛 15/9


五点多了他来载我,..我好怕爸爸看到他的车哦..他太多疑了..乘他在我房间时,我告诉他我要出去..我用了ah bok & penny的名说我跟他们出..哈哈..比较好啦因为他们都是姐的好朋友..他来了,哦哦..他那两个朋友则坐后座..去他的家..看他弟弟看蜡笔小新..他弟看到我,我又不由自主地狂笑了..哈哈哈..lao tiu阿victor!~差不多六点多了,便去肯雅兰了..我们这几个都还没吃饱阿..所以先去吃..去到那,遇到lisa那几个,我蛮怕尴尬的,不敢跟他走太近..肯雅兰是kchtown的地盘耶..走到哪里一定会有熟人的,.所以我跟他的距离蛮远一下的..又看到faustine她们,我有注意到她一直望来我这边..我也假装没看见,..去sugarbun吃..遇到微维她们..跟她打招乎..她们临时才买票的..我吃beefburger,好像不大有胃口..哇,我吃到一半,望外面,kent & wc 正走过..kent有看到我..心想..哦~哦~糟了,.,可是管他的..我吃我的就好了..almost七点了..v的朋友sanla他们有帮他们留位..我则等feli来..看到她了..wukenshi还没来..我希望她能跟我一起坐阿..可是票在那家伙身上..所以不得以我先进去了..

真的好多人阿..人挤人..找到他们的朋友,不够位了,我只好跟他坐剩两个人的位..我们两的位置对座他们的朋友,,.feli msg叫我站起来..好p/s哦当我站起来..每个人都看我..--'..看到feli了..她坐比较上面..还有看到林倩他们,我msg她叫她看她的back left side..她看到我了便走过来跟我打招乎..因为她很想看v长的怎样..哈哈..我也看到maigu,maggie她们..那两个A班的,穿到多么性感,连我也差点认不出她们..maigu看到我,就跟我微笑..

节目开始了..先请那些vip上来致词,剪彩,都花了一一个小时..八点才开始正试表演..听歌听到闷便叫飞莉陪我上厕所..突然nelson.t mc我..他说他看到我刚经过..哦..他也有去..可是我没看到他..坐我后面的那几个男生和女生一直尖叫..哇..声音多么刺耳阿..我跟他都受不了一直捂着我们那宝贵的耳朵..哈哈..'p..

轮到那个sanla eric出场了..他是个人组的最后一位参赛者..全部人都在那狂尖叫..不知不觉我也容入了..狂喊..哈哈..真的好爽快哦..轮到组合的组了..twin star跳的很好看..轮到triple Q了..是文雅她们..hmm..三个人不够合作..造型也一般普通..因为我以为她们会穿到很性感,哪知没有我想像的那么好`..过后是德胜他们了..他们则表演搞笑剧..蛮好笑的.呵呵..最后就是我期待以久的ANDY了..哇..总算亲眼目睹到他的大胆跟造型了..哈哈..然后是那些艺人under 舞台之星的团体表演..有joanna & bella她们..我比较喜欢看joanna的那支团体..很酷~^^
要到颁冠亚季君了..先选出六强..hmm,,我记得的是有林秀如,刘晓彤,eric,twin stars,德胜他们和ANDY..woo,..好紧张哦..eric得了3RD,twin star得了2ND..第一名是一中的林秀如..很可爱..nap nap的..呵呵..结束了..

Saturday, September 15, 2007

blame me

today test for the last was math..i get up 430am in the earlier morning to do my math revision..i willingly to spent my time on math & addmath..^^..
reach sch..the 5d clas really so messing,,especially the floor..full of said SANLA ba~yaya..absolutely belong to sanla's this gang.,whahhaha..time to test already.i keep on thinking of the objective ques..instead nvr think of the timing..until i finis complete my objective ques,i found that its already 830am...ogh my godness..i stil got subjective ques not yet started..really nervous ar..hand keep on fa dou..haiy..really to cry/..i really hope my math get As..haiy 30 mark flies far away from me..bye bye 30 markk..misssss you...
back with ting..went to ken to buy her accessories luck met the indian lady who work at the bra shop together while she walked inside the shop..i went to greet her,,hehhe..she say soon will having promotion liao..she gonna went to know...the first impression she'd given to me was she looks like indian......gosh...mana tahu after talked with her,she is totally a chinese..hehehhh..unbelievable..'p..
tonite go for the final competition with v..;)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

progressif test

this week havin progressif test..i only take effort at my add math & math,,only this 2 sub i get up early at 4am..--'..the others i really fed up with week change time table ar..9th period back at 1235..nth different ler..haha..

Sunday, September 9, 2007

still enjoyable

1st-my aunt7 n birthday gal cindy
2nd-inside of the segi colledge
3rd-with the 2 naughty cousin
4th-children play ballon game
5th-my big aunt

this morning,receive bi msg..she ask me wan go for swim or not this afternoo,.of cos wan long din go swimming liao..wake at aunt 3 when go to aunt 7 hse..mana tahu she say 10am..wah..i stil not yet bathing..then she came liao..make me rushing nia..--'..

go to aunt7 hse..big aunt say my bag very nice..heheh..mum there wan to go cosway buy container..i went with them my tissue remover and tissue say 1pm pick me up..oh no..i don hav swimsuit ler..then she say she have..i help aunt7 decorate those many pecah ki..hahah..those children all wan to play's dad pick me..we went to hilton find her mum 1st..her mum ask us go other place to walk walk,after 30min baru back to find her again..then bi brought me go scoops makan ice-cream/.i ever heard yin say about scoops..very expansive ar..1 single small cone need 5$..tiam ar..then we 2 share eat the 3scoops de..12$ rasberry,mocha,and pepermint choco..3 mix/..quite nice..i more like indoor very nice and very wit finish then she wan go to segi take the business time table..haiy..really very kong ar her!,..this was my 1st time went to inside the segi bro car really at there..inside very quiet de..wait for the secretary searching the time table..10min already,bi's mum call us back..back to hilton, went to the swimming pool party ler..we 2 so pai seh wan go to swim a child 11th rich open party at hilton..we 2 don dare swim..then go other floor walk walk..mana tahu we saw got anmolang go swim..then feel wan to swim..chap xiao e ga swim..hahha..go changing room change swimsuit, malu er..quickly went down the pool//wa..very song ar//really long time din swim say every sat DEcide go to swim liao..then i say i wan wear bra and short next time liao..more comfortable..wahhaha..swim almost 1 hour..then went conditioner n hair ma time have to prepare all the stuff i need liao..heheh,'s mum finis work liao., the we went to aunt 7 hse many food..yummy..aunt7 buy a big cake..2kg..haiy..she spent too much expense liao..quite tired ar mood oledi..nth special tonig..cos im too sleppy msg him,,dono he tahan or not..hahha..wan upload photo but jam jam,..tiam ar..

Saturday, September 8, 2007


this morning writing my bblog for yester matter.,11smth company mum go buy roten bag..she is going to aunt7 hse again..then i prefer back home..there got so many naughty night,dad told me his phone pai ki..have to borrow my not willing er..but bo pian lor..teach him how to use my phone..i really cant live without my phone neh..then i try to see his phone..kenapa rosak..i try switch on..okay ler..then i ka meh take my simcard to put it..but................i dono how to open his phone battery out ar..pull so many time oso cant pull out..oh is coming..i ask him how to pull the battery out..he scold me n say "pai liao then don wan open it..mai kacau my phone..",he said..i argue with him say that 'jus now i try to switch on,everythings is okay ler..let me try it lah.."..
then he pull out the battery n insert my simcard..i press the red button switch on,,he very curious..say me press wrong..i say ,where got..then the phone got sound liao..he knock me..and say,oh no,i thought is green button!!! that oso dono..i laugh till pengsan stu...!!!whahahha...we 2 quickly exchange phone liao..hahahha..luckily i got try to switch on his phone ar if not i think i don have phone to use liao..'p..really kong ar..hehe..mum ovewrnight at aunt7 hse..tomolo is aunt 7's little daughter 1 years birthday..

damn tired


耶..没有周会,因为下着毛毛细雨..飞莉的绯闻以经渐渐的变少了..因为龙哥懂得怎样节制了..哈哈.//看到他那两个朋友被他放生,心里就觉得可怜跟好笑..hmm..上pmoral,跟阿拉坐..过后zerald跑来问阿拉东西,那个阿kok就以为他要跟我坐..真是的..被飞莉的乌鸦嘴讲中..说我跟他..哈哈,..这怎么可能阿..他们又说我阿馁,,我哪有阿..grrr..阿kok整天就喜欢把我当挡箭牌的!听飞莉跟我说phillip讲到有关于我的事情..嗯..我说话是很大声的啦..这点我承认!遗传到我妈咪那儿的generation..哈哈..要放学了..跟吟,拉在亭子等吟的车..我们回吟的家然后在倒回学校2pm..在吟的家看'just follow the laws'..好好笑哦..可惜那次没去戏院看..
吃吟妈妈煮的鸡饭..很香也很好吃..我`好久没煮了..改天有空就煮;)我,拉,吟,吟的姐走路可肯雅兰..她们两去吃ic..我跟拉也买ic吃..我们两便走路回学校..走到小巷的时侯,我们看到一名男子穿的很笔挺的,一件jacket,jean..当时我脑海里突然想到前几个月遇到的帅哥变太老..我也不知道作么会想到他..那个男子走在我们的面前..我便跟阿拉讲会不会这男子也是变太老..我们两一直提防那男子..我的6sense就是任为这男子就是个变太老..我一直安慰自己跟拉说,'可能我们冤枉他了'..我们本想走远路,可是我却贪走近路..拉便相信我..走到最后一个小巷,拉叫我看左看右,我看right side没事,怎知那男子竟然在left side..阿~~~~~~~我吓到比阿拉快跑..拉却用走..当时真的`好怕.怕阿拉被抓走..控制自己的脚步便停下来等阿拉..我的脑海里立即浮现出这句"这么我这样准,猜到他就是变太老,这么我这样倒霉!!!!"...咳..今年不知看了多少个这样的case了..当时真的说不出什么事..讲不出话来..终于到了学校了..找飞莉跟婷她们..告诉她们我跟拉的经过..她们都在笑..咳不说了..真的是倒霉...
两点半了..去听讲座会..看到明..他穿townian..他今天没来上课..哈哈..哇真的是没心听前面老师讲话阿..我躺在飞莉的肩膀上,.take a short nap..看到雪梯坐最前面的两排..对了..我终于找到最舒服的那一part了..哇哈哈..^^真的好舒服阿飞莉!呵呵..很变太阿我..'p..顿时好想vick哦..讲座会完毕了..我去厕所..阿./我的青色镜子掉到地上,破了..阿!!!!!!!我用了它差不多四年了耶##做么这样..真的很很倒霉阿今天.,.心痛死了..咳,.应该说'旧的不去新的不来'..我好会安慰自己哦..这就是我舒解压力的方式吧~回家了..去补习..真的好累没心做功课耶..一直在等时间,.回到家了!冲好凉便看放羊的星星,..我告诉他我在想着某某人,,我很紧张耶..哈哈..他说他也是,.心里愉快极了..刚好开运又说天蝎的运势很好`棒哦..^^睡觉咯~真是又倒霉又愉快的一天,.
bull kenny,simply capture ah po & ming..hahah.,not me ar!!is kenny oh,.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


i try to make myself smile with him,but get a cool sight frm him finally..i know i cant get any reward frm sour~is 9th..,same with me 9th too..;)hehe..but cant do anything too..jus slowly pass it..this morning,get books to the room..i cant open the door again..stay at there almost 10 mins..-.-''do bio experiment..wooo..wan to drink the sunkist juice ler..juicy juicy~\^^HEHEH..back..went to tuition..quickly ask tb yin company me go buy my lens,..woo..finally bought my bag..n.n

Monday, September 3, 2007

not today

3rd of sept..i thougth is st birthay,,amily said..but i saw nobody took action ler..then ask ming..baru know not today,,ming don wan told me..nvm lah..also good for me..i should stop asking everything bout him..

Sunday, September 2, 2007


拜六也有去做工,因为下面有promotion,不够人手..本来也想做礼拜日的,可是要做功课那些,咳..所以拜六是最后一天咯..咳哟..搬那些盒子上上下下..真的好累又出很多汗..真是的..-.-''原来那男子是看bi bi的..哈哈..变太!还有那个书店的男子..真的好像变太哦!!啊哈哈..lunch time吃kfc..yummy~脚真的好酸哦..过后dinner time去找表姐..哇,她的朋友看到`我们两个,就赶快叫阿美出来..想不到她还会认得我们..呵呵..bi要带我去吃`1.50的kolo面..因为想节省的..哪知没有kolo面,就吃卤肉饭..咳注定就是要吃贵的..哈哈..晚上,比较少人了..就拿工资了..便下去帮她们搬盒子..九点了耶..他还没打来..我便打过去..他又没接..当时好紧张阿,,怕没载我,,-.-''原来他在hocklee..我便一个人在外面等他..不知会去哪里..我自己以为想去point 1吃..他来了..问他要去哪,他说pont 1..哇..真的好巧..哈哈..我第一次去那,真的好多人..哦 哦..遇到优优和menddy..pai seh ler..她们应该会以为我跟他阿..o.o''我跳进黄河也洗不清了..我也好怕遇到葛葛的朋友阿,因为知道爱去这样的地方..跟他聊天..........................还是很少话题..我觉得话题都卡在那个不明了的关系之间,所以才会说不出口,开不了口..看到他的朋友,哦,看到明..真是吓了我一大跳..他也看到我..原来他们要帮一位朋友庆祝生日..怎么办,..楼梯也有来..好才他晚到..原本他们要在point 1庆祝的,过后满位了,只好到crimson庆祝..我当时真的好怕看到st..手一直在抖..我好想跟vick坦白说关于st的事,可是我开不了口..我好怕如果说出来会造成不必要的误会..想说,又不想说!!咳.........十点多了,我想回家了..好才他也没去那儿找他们..看到st的车..看到他吃着面,vick的朋友出来作弄我们俩..就走了..papa打来..我告诉他不要放在门前,.哈哈..好好笑哦..晚了..好累..冲个凉便睡觉咯~


Saturday, September 1, 2007

1st time working

when heard that wan to work,heart really down..cos i nvr work b4..n i nvr independent..really v v v afraid..but i know 1day i'll work so this is the 1st time to gain experience lor..hehhe..and stil got bi koh mah..

this early morning,mum woke me up..haiy,v tired ler..still sleepy..cos mum noe i wan to makeup clever she is..

aunt dolly fetch us..went for breakfast 1st..ah ge told me tat guy is ah chung,oooo..not bad..jus...............don noe how to say..hahha..

shop stil yet opened..wait for ah moi ee..

wao..1st time went in the bra shop..not bad..and too messy..

everythings is goin okay..and i try to learn everything..heheh..u know..leg was sour ar..hmm,i saw some lin chien,and my dearest ages fren mildred ar..she stil no change..i can easily recognise her..heheh..and buddha aunty..went for lunch time..went to find cousin ah funny..i go ask the vincci sales man..he laugh at me..-.-''too silly..mana tahu saw her at yishion..hahhah..later 5pm ask her out for dinner time..
opposite de pink colour guy owes see inside our shop..grr..mayb im too attractive..wahhahahhaha..'p,,,
when dinner time,eat hokkien mee..yummy..quite fun today..^^but leg v sour..haiy..11pm slep till 1am..cant slep on9..1day no on9 really will die ar..haiy..have to make so many things..upload my photo,^^..writing blog,reply forum and many more..wooo....tomolo have to work again,,mayb last day liao..cos if sun work,i really no need to do my peka liao..tiok bomb later..bye bye..