这 个 星 期 我 都 很 不 舒 服.. 星 期 一 没 去 学 校, 嘿! 我 不 是 醒 不 来 哦,~( 急 忙 撇 清.. 哈 哈) 是 头 晕 晕 的.. 我 是 在 看 报 纸 等 时 间 的 时 侯 才 突 然 这 样 的.. 所 以 快 要6.30am 了 就 叫kakak 打 给 慧 说 我 不 去 了.. 连 忙 换 我 的 睡 衣 大 快 地 睡 下 去 了.. 呵 呵.. 睡 到 十 一 点 多 自 然 地 就 醒 来 了..
星 期 二 下 午, 去 修 我 的 手 表 和 买 老弟 的pokemon card.. 人 家 还 以 为 是 我 玩 耶! 不 是 我 玩 的 啦~ 是 小 弟 玩 的,, 二 姐 还 千交 待 万 交 待 一 定 要 买 给 他, 她 很 历 害! 我 叫 她 在kl 就 好 了 嘛, 你 知 道 她 怎 么 应 我 吗? 她 讲 她 羞 羞 去 买 这 个 东 西. 这 什 么 歪 理 阿? 难 道 我 就 不 羞 羞 吗! 真 气 死 人.. 哈 哈.. 我 这 样 的 脸 应 该 会 有 人 误 以 为 是 我 玩 的 吧~ 问 那 个 男 子 有 卖 吗? 他 指 给 我 那 卡 的 位 置..oh my goodness, 多 到 眼 睛 发 蒙.. 我 又 不 曾 玩 过, 真 的 不 会 选 老 弟 要 的.. 幸 亏tb yin 有 跟 我 一 起.. 她 帮 我 选 了 两 副.. 谢 啦! 晚 上,不 知 感 嗯 的 老 弟 还 用 二 姐 的 电 话msg 我.. 问 我 做 么 没 有 买? 我 又 很 不 爽 他 这 种 语 气, 就 骗 他 说 我 有 买, 但 是 给 表 弟 他 们 了.. 他 就 没 回 复 了.. 过 了 好 一 阵 子, 我 为 我 刚 刚 的 举 动 感 到 很 幼 稚.. 我 不 该 这 样 对 他.. 他 要 什 么 我 应 该 尽 量 的 让 他.. 不 是 应 该 而 是 的 确 要 让 他! 没 有 mama 可 以 这 样 的 护 着 他 了, 他 才 四 年 级.. 量 我 也 更 不 应 该 这 么 对 他.. 所 以 就 打 去kl 家 里, 跟 他 说 我 有 买 啦~ 他 就 一 直 问 我, 我 买 的 对 吗? 哈 哈,.. 我 不 知 怎 么 应 他, 就 跟 他 说 到 时 才 给 他 看! 打 了 这 通 电 话 后, 心 里 就 很 舒 服..whew~=)
星 期 三, 我 很 不 舒 服.. 因 为colourful 最 近 才 来.. 好 才 不 是 过 年 那 天.. 哈 哈.. 真 幸 运.. 本 想 不 要 去 学 校 的. 因 为 每 当colourful 来 我 都 会 有 一 天 没 去 学 校 的..可 是 一 想 到 华 文 课, 就 非 得 去.. 因 为 有 每 组 要 上 去 讲 议 论..tb yin&yin 都 靠 我. 所 以 不 得 不 去.. 去 到 学 校, 整 个 人 真 的 站 不 起 来.. 整 天 昏 昏 沉 沉.. 最 后 才 决 定 不 要 去 华 文 课, 肚 子 实 在 是 痛 的 不 得 了.. 所 以 我 写 好 我 的 议 论 就 交 给tb yin.. 晚 上 也 没 去 补 习.. 很 累 很 累..
今 天.. 要 做 青 蛙 实 验.. 阿~ 很 恐 怖 也 很 可 怜 也 很 疑 惑 动 物 的 身 体 物 质.. 整 个 过 程 我 都 有 拍 下 来 了.. 哈 哈.. 不 要 以 为 我 很 变 态! 因 为 一 生 人 就 这 么 一 次 的 看 青 蛙 的 身 体 构 造 所 以 就 录 咯.. 主 职 医 生 就 是 我 们 的 绍 猫 先 生~ 下午爸不能够载我去补习所以就没去咯..正好lazy gal msg我,约我出去..我很久没能够可以跟她好好的聊,就答应她..晚上,她和她姐,她姐的男友和一名朋友tom..怪搞笑的..我承认我的笑点很低..笑得合不拢嘴在那晚..吃了两次..一个是晚餐另一个是消夜..十一点回到家,有篱笆的钥匙却没有大门的锁匙..他们在车上望着我开门,我挺羞羞的..哈哈..赶紧去窗口叫爸醒来开门给我进..换来的却是他的挨骂..哈哈..说我出这么晚,明天还要读书的勒..我忙着跟他道歉就飞快的去冲凉..夜深了却睡不着..躺到一点多才睡..不知在想什么..我讨厌这样的感觉..脑袋一片空白的感觉!!grrrr..
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
星期二下午四点跟tb yin,倩去吃kfc..我们每个拜二都去那的..tb yin给我三张voucher,我还不是要还多rm20..还以为有了voucher应该会较便宜,cheh..跟直觉买都没什么两样~我也没去算!算了..
星期三..tb yin打来,问我金玉满堂多少钱,我不清楚所以就打给我哥一下..
the conversation is below(hakka language)
哥 : 做么?我要回了啦~
me : 不是,我要问你金玉满堂你卖多少钱啦?
哥 : 哦..rm15..
me : okok..
爸 : 嘿金玉满堂是什么来的?
me: 哈?哦~一种食物的名啦~(捏一把冷汗phew~@!!是谎话)
爸 : 有这样的东西mei?
爸 :是谁刚才?
爸 : 做么打给他?
me: 他叫我介绍我的朋友啦!
星 期 五,daddy 回 来 这 里, 因 为 他 要 接 他 妈 妈 去kl.. 礼 拜 就 回 了.. 干 姐ling 叫 我 买 她 爱 吃 的 食 物pass 给daddy.. 就 是 那 些鸭 面,golden ring, 利 华 面.. 都 是 她 爱 吃` 的.. 下 午 我 跟kakak 做seaweed 倦.. 要 带 给mummy.,大 姐 二 姐 她 们 的.. 还 有 鸡 烯 倦.. 好 久 没 吃 那 个 了, 以 前 都 是 妈 做 的.. 咳~ 现 在 换 她 的 下 一 代 了..
星期二下午四点跟tb yin,倩去吃kfc..我们每个拜二都去那的..tb yin给我三张voucher,我还不是要还多rm20..还以为有了voucher应该会较便宜,cheh..跟直觉买都没什么两样~我也没去算!算了..
星期三..tb yin打来,问我金玉满堂多少钱,我不清楚所以就打给我哥一下..
the conversation is below(hakka language)
哥 : 做么?我要回了啦~
me : 不是,我要问你金玉满堂你卖多少钱啦?
哥 : 哦..rm15..
me : okok..
爸 : 嘿金玉满堂是什么来的?
me: 哈?哦~一种食物的名啦~(捏一把冷汗phew~@!!是谎话)
爸 : 有这样的东西mei?
爸 :是谁刚才?
爸 : 做么打给他?
me: 他叫我介绍我的朋友啦!
星 期 五,daddy 回 来 这 里, 因 为 他 要 接 他 妈 妈 去kl.. 礼 拜 就 回 了.. 干 姐ling 叫 我 买 她 爱 吃 的 食 物pass 给daddy.. 就 是 那 些鸭 面,golden ring, 利 华 面.. 都 是 她 爱 吃` 的.. 下 午 我 跟kakak 做seaweed 倦.. 要 带 给mummy.,大 姐 二 姐 她 们 的.. 还 有 鸡 烯 倦.. 好 久 没 吃 那 个 了, 以 前 都 是 妈 做 的.. 咳~ 现 在 换 她 的 下 一 代 了..
Sunday, January 20, 2008
八点半才弄好她们两人的头发..过后阿姨就带我去wd's boutique,买了我梦魅以求的牛仔..得到一个东西的感觉还真够爽..然后就去载彼彼和ah ge..她们有作工..
隔天也就是今天了..对了主题是在这一段的故事..与上面无关..我跟彼彼八点才醒,阿姨和ah ge都起来了..我们就只听见厨房的声音..吵死人了..彼彼去冲凉,我就去厨房那坐着等吃..阿姨煮spaghetti,正好大姨和三姨都来了..
八点半才弄好她们两人的头发..过后阿姨就带我去wd's boutique,买了我梦魅以求的牛仔..得到一个东西的感觉还真够爽..然后就去载彼彼和ah ge..她们有作工..
隔天也就是今天了..对了主题是在这一段的故事..与上面无关..我跟彼彼八点才醒,阿姨和ah ge都起来了..我们就只听见厨房的声音..吵死人了..彼彼去冲凉,我就去厨房那坐着等吃..阿姨煮spaghetti,正好大姨和三姨都来了..
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
1st bitter then sweet
7th of jan(monday)
night time,a grasshopper with a medium size flew to my body..oh man,u could guess that wats my reaction was..shout & scream..scare me to death!i called my kakak thousand times to swept it which was on my body,.while my bro was bathing..he thought that there's had thief..kakak so brave lah!captured it by her hands..oh my goodness.,i din even wan to use my own hand to swept it..haha..what a gutless me!ya i am..
8th of jan(tuesday)
the afternoon,went to dentist clinic with dad..and my tuition is at 4.30..so msg tb yin that i wanted went to her hse to stay up until my tuition time..at the clinic,called my name,,dad paid 100 ringgit for my upper brassel..haiyoyo,the dentist help me to wear on the brassel,but donno its blocking..iisshh..she had repeat & repeat to help me wear on it but failed..so she called me next tue come again,..haiyo yo,,why like that!you know,while i'd wear on it,i talk clearlessly..ar~~~run out of air..hahha..lao hong~eee..hard to talk ler..im so talkative 1..cannot like that ..one minute want me to shut up my mouth its impossible & unbelievable~haiy...after the appointment then went to tb yin hse..im had been fall asleep in her living room..her mum said me sleep till so sweet..thought im everyday do hmk until midnight,then tb yin ans back her:'she??is impossible~..'shit her..haha..yala yala..its impossible to me too~haha..
10th of jan(thursday)
no schling..its holiday..and mummy(my ke mummy) & popo back to kch in the afternoon,..night time,aunt5,mummy,popo,aunt3,bi & me went to jln song for supper..with them,sometimes couldnt control my tears..think of my mama that we used to be with together for gathering..
11st of jan(friday)
raining heavily,sien..but luckily is the last day schling for this week,so whole body gots wet also nvm..the afternoon,go to test my law..why my own ic couldnt pass through the line 1..you know..only name and only me the 1...shit..went there frm 2pm until 4.30..tb yin bo pian,she test herself..she failed it..so she register again for tomolo..me too..night time,went to jee kwong to bought a spec with dad..he bought his too..he nvr shopping with us so he nvr noe wats we used to buy when with mama..mama wont care the price while her children ask her to buy for them,.she jus give them wat they want and wat they need.this is an expression for every mother..
he grumble me in the car..haiy,,
12nd of jan(saturday)
woke up at 7am smth,then went together rilek again..AGAIN~my ic couldnt pass through..but tb yin got her name,.haha..so pek chek..wait until 12pm..the officer lunch time..tb yin asked me to walk to spring..that time,im moodless and tears drop..she got shocked!hahahha..why im so easily surrender 1..haiy..then we 2 walk to spring..very near..reached there,,gosh quite gorgeous and enormous..exactly looks like in KL..saw stair,i quickly turned my way..tb yin thought im crazy..haha..u noe,sure can easily saw the ppl who are familiar to us..walk nth..sien..finally we got car back to rilek again,,.haha..tb yin's teac drove us back at 2pm..mummy called me why i have to waited so long..she called my master and scold him..when i back rilek,i saw my master,he told me that my name couldnt pass through at rilek,so he brought me to myEG satok there..tb yin bo pian,l square test at rilek..i reached satok there,oh no..many ppl again..have to wait wait wait,,i really damn miserable..finally was my turn..im the last 2nd person..slowly n be caution to test it..at last i PASS it..whahaha..tb yin's failed.no fate we 2..cant be together..very thankful and my waiting got me the rewards..no regret..haha..i called my sister lily,told her the good news..she said she also pass at once time..only my 2nd sister had been tested 7times..hahha..laugh till death..phew~night,i went to spring again..with my aunt5,and popo..really sien..walk here n there n buy nth..i don like at all~i mean me myself not my aunty ..jus went around awhiel then went to lee ming for dinner,,i overnite at big hse with mummy them..damn exhausted..waiting for whole day sure tired.so sleep early by 10pm..
13rd of jan(sunday)
the morning,went to ling long having breakfast,,i saw aunty ah yong's car..i'd really long time didnt met her..she seems a bit better..my tears drop again..finish eating,follow aunty them go to see new year stuff..tomolo schling..and for this week,thats why i written it as '1st bitter then sweet'..waiting and finally get the rewards,,^^
night time,a grasshopper with a medium size flew to my body..oh man,u could guess that wats my reaction was..shout & scream..scare me to death!i called my kakak thousand times to swept it which was on my body,.while my bro was bathing..he thought that there's had thief..kakak so brave lah!captured it by her hands..oh my goodness.,i din even wan to use my own hand to swept it..haha..what a gutless me!ya i am..
8th of jan(tuesday)
the afternoon,went to dentist clinic with dad..and my tuition is at 4.30..so msg tb yin that i wanted went to her hse to stay up until my tuition time..at the clinic,called my name,,dad paid 100 ringgit for my upper brassel..haiyoyo,the dentist help me to wear on the brassel,but donno its blocking..iisshh..she had repeat & repeat to help me wear on it but failed..so she called me next tue come again,..haiyo yo,,why like that!you know,while i'd wear on it,i talk clearlessly..ar~~~run out of air..hahha..lao hong~eee..hard to talk ler..im so talkative 1..cannot like that ..one minute want me to shut up my mouth its impossible & unbelievable~haiy...after the appointment then went to tb yin hse..im had been fall asleep in her living room..her mum said me sleep till so sweet..thought im everyday do hmk until midnight,then tb yin ans back her:'she??is impossible~..'shit her..haha..yala yala..its impossible to me too~haha..
10th of jan(thursday)
no schling..its holiday..and mummy(my ke mummy) & popo back to kch in the afternoon,..night time,aunt5,mummy,popo,aunt3,bi & me went to jln song for supper..with them,sometimes couldnt control my tears..think of my mama that we used to be with together for gathering..
11st of jan(friday)
raining heavily,sien..but luckily is the last day schling for this week,so whole body gots wet also nvm..the afternoon,go to test my law..why my own ic couldnt pass through the line 1..you know..only name and only me the 1...shit..went there frm 2pm until 4.30..tb yin bo pian,she test herself..she failed it..so she register again for tomolo..me too..night time,went to jee kwong to bought a spec with dad..he bought his too..he nvr shopping with us so he nvr noe wats we used to buy when with mama..mama wont care the price while her children ask her to buy for them,.she jus give them wat they want and wat they need.this is an expression for every mother..
he grumble me in the car..haiy,,
12nd of jan(saturday)
woke up at 7am smth,then went together rilek again..AGAIN~my ic couldnt pass through..but tb yin got her name,.haha..so pek chek..wait until 12pm..the officer lunch time..tb yin asked me to walk to spring..that time,im moodless and tears drop..she got shocked!hahahha..why im so easily surrender 1..haiy..then we 2 walk to spring..very near..reached there,,gosh quite gorgeous and enormous..exactly looks like in KL..saw stair,i quickly turned my way..tb yin thought im crazy..haha..u noe,sure can easily saw the ppl who are familiar to us..walk nth..sien..finally we got car back to rilek again,,.haha..tb yin's teac drove us back at 2pm..mummy called me why i have to waited so long..she called my master and scold him..when i back rilek,i saw my master,he told me that my name couldnt pass through at rilek,so he brought me to myEG satok there..tb yin bo pian,l square test at rilek..i reached satok there,oh no..many ppl again..have to wait wait wait,,i really damn miserable..finally was my turn..im the last 2nd person..slowly n be caution to test it..at last i PASS it..whahaha..tb yin's failed.no fate we 2..cant be together..very thankful and my waiting got me the rewards..no regret..haha..i called my sister lily,told her the good news..she said she also pass at once time..only my 2nd sister had been tested 7times..hahha..laugh till death..phew~night,i went to spring again..with my aunt5,and popo..really sien..walk here n there n buy nth..i don like at all~i mean me myself not my aunty ..jus went around awhiel then went to lee ming for dinner,,i overnite at big hse with mummy them..damn exhausted..waiting for whole day sure tired.so sleep early by 10pm..
13rd of jan(sunday)
the morning,went to ling long having breakfast,,i saw aunty ah yong's car..i'd really long time didnt met her..she seems a bit better..my tears drop again..finish eating,follow aunty them go to see new year stuff..tomolo schling..and for this week,thats why i written it as '1st bitter then sweet'..waiting and finally get the rewards,,^^
Saturday, January 5, 2008
after sch reopen
after sch reopened,less on9 when weekdays,after sch,taking my nap.tuition,after back frm tuition,do revision then at last,wacthing my tv programme..wahhaha=)..nvr overcome this habit(watching my fixed programme..)so no more bloggie lor..weekends or holiday baru bloggie ya..^^f4 and f5 sc stream are located at the new renovated block..not really like it,.stil got 1 more years,jus ignore it n do my best for this year..hmm,i got no hope for this sch..jus whatever..daddy was back to kch yesterday afternoon,,i would like to havin breakfast wit him the other day..he back to kl next tue..my appointment is on next tue..haiyoyo..hey~ really hard to communicate with some1 that really ******..grrr..i also donno how to explain..just let go of it...iiissh,..finally,my mp4 is recover as normal..haha..will be recorded for my lesson soon..afraid it might too noisy neh..night,aunty dolly ask me company pick up her 2 daughters,they overnight at my hse ,tomolo we go holy trinity church together..so i din go wit nina lor..back home,dady is there..he teach me a bit about the feng shui,.woo..have to by hard so many words..wait im got time,sure will focus on that way..tomolo is bi's birthday..nite time cook porridge with her dear..made me couldnt slep at all and listen to my mp4 better..no ci ci cu cu sounds~great!!haha..
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
neW yeAr dAY
1st of january..new year day..no tuition..so ask my gang to do project again except la,bcos she cant make it..so only we 3..we 3 were copied a page only,then the mind dono gone where already..feli ar..owes think of wan to out..influence the mind of both us ler..hahha,..ting back 1st,then feli followed me n my dad went to bought smth..6pm,wuken fetched us..went to jade pot had our dinner 1st..baru watched alien Vs predator..actually i nvr watch this kind of movie..but nvr watch nvr know~heheh..quite excited and horrible..and a bit blur,bcos nvr watched the season 1..damn cold..wear a short and a top..didnt thought that want to watch movie ba,jus decide such a sudden..tomolo schling..~0.0''
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
my wish for 2008
i realise that mum'd passed away on last year 2007,now is 2008,.lord gave me time to recovered frm my heart illness that mum'd left me..lord wants me to get a good beginning for the 2008..what a coincidence to me!!im glad that last night i didnt fall sleep when the time was 1.15am..bcos i slept at 11.30pm last night..but woke up at 1am smth..my frens were wished me happy new year,,after checked the msg,couldnt slep well at all..thats y i kept on thinking those incident which was happened on me..so 2008 is my spm year..i'll enjoy this finally sch year..i jus hope i wont be lazy..hehe..haha..stu... wishes..anyway,the most important thing that is HEALTH~i want to keep healthy..and wish my family,my relatives,my frens all keep healthy..thats what i hope..
10,11,12月 2007 难忘的3个月
6号,收到干爹daddy的mp4..16号,妈就开始进医院了..要检查她的脑是否有生东西..而大姐和二姐也纷分回来看望妈..17号,mummy,gary,& ling回来..我大姐和二姐都轮留在医院照顾妈..19号,我们三个cousin当然是在一起的..我,bi,ling小时侯都是最好的..我跟bi同年,ling则大我们一年..20号,第一次遇见那租客在大屋的..跟他还有mummy她们去吃早餐..租客是来自spain..很幽默..哈哈..笑死人了..也很搞笑..晚上就跟ling去igloo..21号,mummy & gary就先回kl..ling还没有,因为她跟二姐一起回..她spm是在11月10号..23号,二姐跟ling就回咯..下午,我一个人呆在医院..医生跟我说妈的病情..他说妈的癌细胞以经扩散到了她的脑里..那时的我,听了赶紧打给爸,.医生跟我说,唯一的办法就是电疗..如果没有,她的命就会很快的到了终点..电疗至少可以拖到一段时间..妈必需要电10次..星期一到星期五,weekend就不用..25号,是她第一 次的电疗..26号,我的朋友们提早一天帮我庆祝我的生日..去联运那吃..我很喜欢在那而吃饭..秀买了蛋糕给我,feli送我ferrero rocher..我的最爱..^^隔天正日27号,早上听到妈祝福我..我真的崩溃了..好可怜..我也很幸运能够听她最后一句的祝福我的话..我真的很幸运..一生之中就是这个礼物,最有价值的礼物..我的生日我没遗憾..她的最后一个送我的礼物..28号,在医院过夜..那时的她还很清醒..她跟我说了一句good night..也是最后一句..我自认我真的很幸运..上天对我的眷顾,我很感激..让我不留遗憾..自从那之后,电疗让她以无法讲话,无法张大眼睛..很遗憾的就是,她无法交代什么..就是这一点我最觉得整个人跌到谷底...好低落..
6号,收到干爹daddy的mp4..16号,妈就开始进医院了..要检查她的脑是否有生东西..而大姐和二姐也纷分回来看望妈..17号,mummy,gary,& ling回来..我大姐和二姐都轮留在医院照顾妈..19号,我们三个cousin当然是在一起的..我,bi,ling小时侯都是最好的..我跟bi同年,ling则大我们一年..20号,第一次遇见那租客在大屋的..跟他还有mummy她们去吃早餐..租客是来自spain..很幽默..哈哈..笑死人了..也很搞笑..晚上就跟ling去igloo..21号,mummy & gary就先回kl..ling还没有,因为她跟二姐一起回..她spm是在11月10号..23号,二姐跟ling就回咯..下午,我一个人呆在医院..医生跟我说妈的病情..他说妈的癌细胞以经扩散到了她的脑里..那时的我,听了赶紧打给爸,.医生跟我说,唯一的办法就是电疗..如果没有,她的命就会很快的到了终点..电疗至少可以拖到一段时间..妈必需要电10次..星期一到星期五,weekend就不用..25号,是她第一 次的电疗..26号,我的朋友们提早一天帮我庆祝我的生日..去联运那吃..我很喜欢在那而吃饭..秀买了蛋糕给我,feli送我ferrero rocher..我的最爱..^^隔天正日27号,早上听到妈祝福我..我真的崩溃了..好可怜..我也很幸运能够听她最后一句的祝福我的话..我真的很幸运..一生之中就是这个礼物,最有价值的礼物..我的生日我没遗憾..她的最后一个送我的礼物..28号,在医院过夜..那时的她还很清醒..她跟我说了一句good night..也是最后一句..我自认我真的很幸运..上天对我的眷顾,我很感激..让我不留遗憾..自从那之后,电疗让她以无法讲话,无法张大眼睛..很遗憾的就是,她无法交代什么..就是这一点我最觉得整个人跌到谷底...好低落..
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