Monday, July 30, 2007
not really smooth today
woo,..tat dinner night is really intereting when feli told me the scenery..but i still don like bcos~dono..not like a bit at all reason,,hmm..stairs was absent..thansk to the freak for helping me to determine the msg..but that only make me more confuse what is him thought in his mind right now..haiy..bad evil!don bug terrible already..
Sunday, July 29, 2007
big family gathering day
this morning sleep very well..its cold without switch on the cousin sis zi come to my hse,quite funny ar her,.like to be with happy..we go to popo hse..woo..big family this feeling..^^eating fried malicai bi hun,an tao jan duk..yummy..
yeah,got my pinky flower again..get it frm popo hse..
jus now move a small size bed into my room seems so mess now..have lots of furniture..-.-''
at night,gosh..cant slepp well..bcos of my mum..haiy,she open the window to let those air-con air go noisy lah outside..the si-si-si-si creature sounds..i don't like those sounds at all..i like peace~no souns,no light.everything is quiet..haiy,even the door open a bit,i also cant tahan,must close it tigthly..haiy..lots of bad habit when sleeping..
yeah,got my pinky flower again..get it frm popo hse..
jus now move a small size bed into my room seems so mess now..have lots of furniture..-.-''
at night,gosh..cant slepp well..bcos of my mum..haiy,she open the window to let those air-con air go noisy lah outside..the si-si-si-si creature sounds..i don't like those sounds at all..i like peace~no souns,no light.everything is quiet..haiy,even the door open a bit,i also cant tahan,must close it tigthly..haiy..lots of bad habit when sleeping..
Saturday, July 28, 2007
schling on sat
lots ppl didnt come to sch today..saturday mah..ppl like to slep late late/.involve me also..but i stil think of wanna come to sch..dono going to hmw..hehe..stu... reason!!last night only a couple msg wit him..i don wan to be upset anymore whatever wat is the ans from him..jus be nature..^^so that wont let bad evil irrupting my mood..fool around with my 2 mz gals,and smile with anyone today..didnt meet tiok..reading my book all the time,.,borrow frm library..yeah..finally found out the name of the song frm karen..n.n..really touching and meaningful..hope he can hear it..
hmm..i'd receive a bad news frm my mum tonight..erm,i don know it was a bad or good news to me actually..she told me that my mumy calling her for asking me to go to kL tis 2nd term holiday..gosh..i was being shocked..last year i'd been made her anger so that she sent me back to heard that she want me go there,i don think of really wan goin there liao..last time i used to be very happy when she ask me go to not really thrill when heard of this news..-.-''
i dono how to ans my mumy..waitin for the timing lah.i also cant do anything right now..helpless!!
hmm..stairs msg me..shocked too..but happy too..ask me got goin for the interact dinner o not, not goin not the member of that club and i also don like to go this kind of dinner,,.cos........i don like..thats all..=p//..he cant out too,cos of some okay..nvm..jus wonder why~(question mark in my mind right now)''
hmm,no 1 reply in nite nite..^^
hmm..i'd receive a bad news frm my mum tonight..erm,i don know it was a bad or good news to me actually..she told me that my mumy calling her for asking me to go to kL tis 2nd term holiday..gosh..i was being shocked..last year i'd been made her anger so that she sent me back to heard that she want me go there,i don think of really wan goin there liao..last time i used to be very happy when she ask me go to not really thrill when heard of this news..-.-''
i dono how to ans my mumy..waitin for the timing lah.i also cant do anything right now..helpless!!
hmm..stairs msg me..shocked too..but happy too..ask me got goin for the interact dinner o not, not goin not the member of that club and i also don like to go this kind of dinner,,.cos........i don like..thats all..=p//..he cant out too,cos of some okay..nvm..jus wonder why~(question mark in my mind right now)''
hmm,no 1 reply in nite nite..^^
Monday, July 23, 2007
get bomb
'why you 2 always walking around'..indian said to me n feli..tiam ar..go to toilet,find my chinese teacher..not allow meh!huh..don like to see you also bo pian nia..-/-..
wah,have to start our amt project liao ar..dono how to do..1st time have this kind the way,that sej teac also,most rmb my name..often asked ques by her..wan to cry liao..don't know how to ans..nervous~
hmm,my teac chai chai need assistance from the member of spbt..and im one of the ajk/..i would like to help her,but my chinse lesson is on that time..what a coincidence..-.-' have to find a perfect excuses to my chinse teac ah sim liao!today,see stairs lots..but is towards to each other..make me nervous and don dare to look at him..why like that hor..he didnt smile to me and same as me too..haiy,must have 1 to be the 1st smiling lar..i know it should be me again..8.8' erm,feel sory to my fren tiny,have to ask her dad sent me back home//feel so sorry..dono why..i think so much lar..
ar~im the most shorter in my class 4C ar!!wanna cry liao..155 ler..i still can recall that i were 155 since i in primary 6..-.-''thats mean i never grow up between these 4 years lah..depressing..@.@..
wah,have to start our amt project liao ar..dono how to do..1st time have this kind the way,that sej teac also,most rmb my name..often asked ques by her..wan to cry liao..don't know how to ans..nervous~
hmm,my teac chai chai need assistance from the member of spbt..and im one of the ajk/..i would like to help her,but my chinse lesson is on that time..what a coincidence..-.-' have to find a perfect excuses to my chinse teac ah sim liao!today,see stairs lots..but is towards to each other..make me nervous and don dare to look at him..why like that hor..he didnt smile to me and same as me too..haiy,must have 1 to be the 1st smiling lar..i know it should be me again..8.8' erm,feel sory to my fren tiny,have to ask her dad sent me back home//feel so sorry..dono why..i think so much lar..
ar~im the most shorter in my class 4C ar!!wanna cry liao..155 ler..i still can recall that i were 155 since i in primary 6..-.-''thats mean i never grow up between these 4 years lah..depressing..@.@..
电话响了,是飞莉..问我要去走走散散心吗..当然想咯..我是笼子里的燕子勒,每一天都待在家..当然愿意跟你出咯,我的飞莉..别想太多啦你..我真的愿意..^^要出又得人载我,真不好意思阿..爹迪,大肥猪都根本不想载我,自己出又能,就是偏偏不要载我..让我经常都不好意思叫朋友载我..;(我们选择去看我期待已久的harry..礼拜天就是这么多人,我们选的时间几乎都快满了,便选坐在角落旁的二人位..原本我以为角落旁应该不太好,可是发现到还蛮不错的,不用去受别人的摇脚声..呵呵..在看的整个过程,脑袋出现了他的影子..一直期待想跟他看,却是我的朋友陪我到最后..真的很低落,到最后朋友是陪我们的那一个..朋友是多么的重要..看完了,感触是还是4比5好看..可是还是值得..过后便去到t.j,有某品牌的美发店的hair show&evening gown show..婚纱很美,models也长得很漂亮,唯一碍眼的就是她们脸上的眼影化得太夸张了,虽然是艺术,但看起来好像被人打的很肿似的..哈哈..太坏了我..=P
站到脚都酸了,便去上面的餐厅喝水..飞莉买了lok lok,有我们喜欢的豆腐,香肠,鱼丸..
飞莉,谢谢你陪我今天..我很开心..晚上,到最后我竟然又摆乌龙了..咳,我怎么这样阿..太粗心了..从昨晚的那一刻全是一场误会..-.-''说对不起的人应该是我..可是你也要说清楚嘛,害我误会你放我飞机..其实放飞机的人应该是我..对不起..真的很可惜没跟你一起去看,--'..问他还要看吗,他说我看过了所以不要了..飞莉,别内疚阿,不是你的错哦..别自责..知道吗!!看了pai kia写给我的字,我觉得蛮有道理的..不一定要在一起,朋友就以经很足够了..我看我想通了吧..你叫我不要想太多,是什么意思阿..我不敢乱想了..我怕我又摆乌龙了..0.0''
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
don say sorry
don't say sorry,don't be guilty to me,chien..all the results is on me..don feel sorry to wrong by'll only make me sad when you say sorry to me..i can handle it..this is only 1 of the mistake i'd taken by..every1 do have a failure is my turn..i admit it..don't avoid it..this is what i could do to myself..the only way..thanks for cheering me when im in the 1st step..very thanks chien..
a gal waiting for your ans you know...shouldnt give her a limit pass..thats only make her worry and that ans is shi should let go frm even didnt give her a cruel you are!!nevermind about that..just for a lesson to shi..all of shi fren,after read this passage,don't ask her any information anymore...she's down..
all my fren have concern about me,,thanks you guys..0157..frm him..he cant cos some reason that he should stay up..hmm..i dono what to do..mayb should continue or give up hope..dono..
all my fren have concern about me,,thanks you guys..0157..frm him..he cant cos some reason that he should stay up..hmm..i dono what to do..mayb should continue or give up hope..dono..
Friday, July 20, 2007
last 1 day
Thursday, July 19, 2007
last 2 day
no respond for today..mayb tomolo or that day or even no respond..stair shouldnt say to me like that..its only made me tension,nervous and for sure sickness...his thought might be 单纯吧//-.-
this is the last bet for i feel very nervous
think too muchie not good..for example my mz fren 飞莉..wah,she's such a think too michie person..all the good & bad thing had came to her mind..8.8..for me,i wont mind her talk..just 听听就好..but i appreciate that all she'd talk was wanna me to happy & smile..thanks mz 飞莉..^^
this is the last bet for i feel very nervous
think too muchie not good..for example my mz fren 飞莉..wah,she's such a think too michie person..all the good & bad thing had came to her mind..8.8..for me,i wont mind her talk..just 听听就好..but i appreciate that all she'd talk was wanna me to happy & smile..thanks mz 飞莉..^^
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
the emotion i'd enjoyed
shoulnt talk that topic
late night..why talk about that topic such a was all my fault..jus cause me cant sleep well..i should have preparing,but stil couldnt calm myself down..everyone ought to have..not only me..okay shi!how?i cant handle my plan for this week hurt..say hurt but not hurt,dono what is that feeling right now..jealous??mayb i think..but not really j..sour..yes is sour..waiting for his confirmation..what is the result then?i can be accepted..
Monday, July 16, 2007
telling truth to my dearest friend..don wanna her to get hide by me so..she was so shocked..i wonder she will be thinking that im too face thick to do that..different ppl different shame about do you guys see me??by good thinking,they will praise me brave or active,but by bad thinking,they will think that its shame,and does not have good image..
now that im step on the 1st grade,all the result is on me..not you guys..maby you guys will think that im too sturborn or what else..but i facing it with positive hard i'd done everything,you know??i need lots of concern and support..don't add insult in my injury..
now that im step on the 1st grade,all the result is on me..not you guys..maby you guys will think that im too sturborn or what else..but i facing it with positive hard i'd done everything,you know??i need lots of concern and support..don't add insult in my injury..
要学会拒绝,不需要迎合别人,做你自己..I AM WHO I AM..'只要问:对不对得起自己',这样就够了..我身边有不少朋友都蛮优柔寡断的,包括我自己也是..这样一来自己就不容易下定决心,那样只会害了自己..有人说,凡事想多一些是好的,只是想太多了,该想的,不该想的,全都想了..这对脑袋瓜和小小的心脏都是一种负担,经过岁月累积下来,将会是沉沉的包袱.说什么想开看开了,更加难如登天..
要学会拒绝,不需要迎合别人,做你自己..I AM WHO I AM..'只要问:对不对得起自己',这样就够了..我身边有不少朋友都蛮优柔寡断的,包括我自己也是..这样一来自己就不容易下定决心,那样只会害了自己..有人说,凡事想多一些是好的,只是想太多了,该想的,不该想的,全都想了..这对脑袋瓜和小小的心脏都是一种负担,经过岁月累积下来,将会是沉沉的包袱.说什么想开看开了,更加难如登天..
Sunday, July 15, 2007
tis afternoon since i was so boring,couldnt have my nap so think of cooking jelly to spent my boring time..hehe..i only use 15min to cook for my easy..i used to put lengeng oftenly but now i change to put dragon fruit..hehe..see it..>>
the dragon fruit colour was too deep..too purple-wish..nice colour actually..
after cooling,i take 1 to try..haiy..not enough sweet ar!!!haiy..the sugar and water were not balancing neh..
nvm..jus a beggining for this month./.hehe..
6smth we had our dinner at lee ming..but mum not feeling well..-.-..hope she feeling better soon~
late night..i say soorry to him..but the ans i'd expected was not my expectation..happy^^..neither bad or worst but good!!
tired to be the 1st talk
终于知道是谁唱了那首BEAUTIFUL GIRLS/.头头还以为是AKON唱的,因为声音超像的..呵呵..没看到下周的运势如何呐..GRR..
终于知道是谁唱了那首BEAUTIFUL GIRLS/.头头还以为是AKON唱的,因为声音超像的..呵呵..没看到下周的运势如何呐..GRR..
Saturday, July 14, 2007
not the right time neh!!
'see first' this word i used to use it very let ppl use it to me,really moody..heart down i realise this word really give ppl a hard time..soory to my friend that i always use this word to you guys..sorry for here..=(regret useless..nth to regret, the most important is should be overcome it..not only regret will make you feel better..
lucky for me
我很庆幸...我真的很庆幸不比别人的情况差..可是也不知道怎样去安慰我的朋友..一言难尽..我有我的好,,他有他的不好..看他怎样去想那个角度而已啦!BE POSITIVE THINKING..要乐观,别杞人忧天..希望你会好好的深深思考..别一直怨哉..搞到自己都像个幽灵似的..我比别人勇敢,知道我要的是什么..最近的胆子也越来越大!算是厚脸皮吧..我豁出去了,面对'LOVE',面子对我来说也无所谓了~
Friday, July 13, 2007
wedding dinner
sch quite quiet todaY..tis afternoon got chinese class..teacher ask us wanna join the common quiz ?cyndi ask me join,think of do nth then join lor..and its free of charge too..12.15 to 1.15..1 hour neh!whatever lah..i write down my name already so cant do anything phone get blocked during chinese lesson..cos i wanted to set up my pin code..i think of wanna set the pin code,it is because my fren tb yin advise me better set up..if not my dAD will checking my phone..-.-''v scare oh..hehe..
yeah,today im not goin to bm tuition cos my mum ask me go for her best fren's son wedding dinner..^^
yeah,today im not goin to bm tuition cos my mum ask me go for her best fren's son wedding dinner..^^
Thursday, July 12, 2007
yummmy flower@`@
yeah,papa bought me the flower which is my favourite yummy food..
i loves it..that is the only food i can eat with the rice more and more ^^you know,this type of flower seldom sell in the market,because chinese ppl don't know how to eat and cook..i think you guys felt curious whiy i like it so muchie..
1stly,i dono what is this flower,never saw it b4..sometime my grandma cook for us,i din even touch it as long as i think it so strange to me..din hav the good appetite to try it..-.-but dono why,one day my grandma cook the 2nd times for us.the flower smell were absolutely wangi wangi ar!then i'd the guts to try it and put it into my mouth..oh no~~its really yummy..made me can eat more than 2 bowl of rice ar!!really amazing ho!my dad was bought it frm mjc market..somtime don hav,but sometime do have.hehe..its on luck..until now i also don't know what is the name of this flower called..just always call it pink know how to cook??don teach you,..haha..=p
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
jus now i was being shocked that his fren noe nn 'lk' heart was down and 1 noe my name is could he know?and how his fren noe too..tat is the prob now..lots question mark at the top of my mind now???????/????moody moody moody~~=( /./ -.-''dare to say som1 but never realise you'd been done the same mistake tension about it..better pretend everything..haiy..stil moody..--'
1st time for my words
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