3号,大姐回去kl了..=(..5号,干妈咪前几天回来..中午去附近的kaya&toast吃..面包烤得满酥脆的,.不过我还是不喜欢..只是喜欢它的地方怖置而已..晚上就跟aunt5和她的家人吃晚餐在batu lintang..过后去大屋,阿姨们在屋里聊天..bi教我驾那auto..哈哈..还没move nia,她的妈妈就出来叫我们..aunt5送我回家..bi msg我她妈骂她..生气我们两个..9号,没去学校..因为我要去拔牙..第一次拔牙,lower right side的一颗牙..当她打麻醉药的时侯,超痛的!!讨厌..拔掉就没感觉到痛..也不觉得口水在流..真是的..羞羞..呵呵..晚上,妈要icing cake,我买错..她msg我叫我自己吃完它..我那时买好就直觉去补习了..可怜,被她骂..10号,是运动日..跟我的同学出..先去jade pot那吃,然后再去hock lee那..逛阿逛,就去car park拿车..阿呀呀..一个又帅又高的变态老竟然跟着我们..我吓到流眼泪..真不巧我就坐在窗们旁边..他就在旁边..真是吓死人了..婷被我的叫喊声给吓到也紧张起来..哈哈..真是的..咳~过后她们要去igloo吃冰,我没去,就叫她放我在朋友家..11号,跟爸去mjc买菜,我乘爸去买菜,就告诉他我去剪头发..呵呵..13号,是伟大的母亲节..跟妈去j&j吃早餐,然后去新开的department store 逛逛..14号,没无学校,去拔牙..因为我要带牙套..拔掉right upside的一颗..15号,我们的班将转去form 1 的lab..将在lab度过这一年..咳哟哟..20号,跟妈,aunt 2,aunt3去maliha看大姨..这四个姐妹就是最和好的,每次到了礼拜就相约去看她们的大姐..我也跟着去咯..因为在那学驾车..那儿很少车辆所以妈也肯我驾..23号,又来了一个新的kakak..我想她应该会做比那两个久吧,,24号,外婆和小弟回来..我跟妈去附近的公园跑步..回了,我叫妈让我驾回..没想到撞到篱笆..oh oh~妈就那边念念念..26号,放假了..kenny叫我去他家bbq..我跟amelia去..慧娜没有空就没去..27号,妈妈要放生两只乌龟..其实前几天是买来给妈放生的,来积功德..我,妈妈,爸和小弟就去batu kawa的一间乌龟庙拜拜..那而有海..妈就在旁边放走可爱的大乌龟..弟哭了..他说他可怜他们..过后我们就去jln song的scr吃..(还怀念哦..咳~)晚上就去个跟妈去会馆念日本经..29号,妈带小弟gary去政府那弄他的passport..而我叫妈放我在igloo meet 吟..第一次去那,我冷得快要发抖了..都没有血色了..真是的..过后妈弄好后,就送吟回..我们三个就去kfc吃..本想不要补习的,可是妈不肯就只好去咯..30号,去秀家..她要实习化妆,所以我就当她的model咯..晚上就在她家吃晚餐..然后妈又带我去念经了..
4号,跟gary,婷,彩秀,sharon去secret recipe吃..gary最好命咯..吃spagheti..我们四个就喝牛奶咯..哈哈..真好笑..过后就去看pirates of carribean..我都没看前几集就看最新一集..有点blur..9号,表姐的朋友结婚..我也认识的,,就去早上的婚礼,然后在男方家吃..晚上就去晚宴..妈和kakak就去大屋那过夜跟她的姐妹们..10号,晚上aunt7要买她女儿的裤,我就叫大舅载..买好就去tj的 market喝水..我叫大舅给我驾回大屋..他肯,.笑死人了.那是我第一次在tj驾..他们两个在车上笑到肚子痛了..因为我的速度就像乌龟..凸阿凸..能够想像吗?哈哈..13号,外婆煮那粉红花..晚声上补习,林倩送我一个key chain,她去台湾那度假..20号,晚上补习..林倩一直鼓励我msg雪梯..过后就有胆了..呵呵..
4号,下午和爸带妈去看dr.asaad..看好后,我就叫爸放我在jln song,我要去meet啦啦和吟..提早两天帮吟庆祝生日..先去买蛋糕,才去scr那吃..真衰..两个联合蒜我跟那waiter..我又没做么,哪知他一直盯着我看..7号,妈进大医院..那时侯只是觉得头疼所才留院观查,而我就陪她过夜..8号&9号,没去学校,因为照顾我妈在医院咯..而大姐在9号回来看妈..11号,去f.f跟feli..两个人逛阿逛..过后晚上就去陪妈..14号,妈出院..我跟大姐就去找古董的东西,她要买礼物给一位阿姨..去srw plaza 找..去到一间古董店..她就买了古晋有名的猫咪像咯..呵呵..最普便的啦..15号..大姐回去了..=(..16号,就是二姐回咯..呵呵..她也是回来看妈妈..17号,跟bi,姐,妈妈,阿姨她们去f.f..有人打架..真是的..桃花纠纷..cheh,.18号,晚上跟阿秀和ah seng的朋友去richmond吃..第一次去那..满okay的啦..19号,妈去baptized在st.jo..那时侯她在医院时认识到一位修女..很多人都说我妈很幸运,一生中竟然被她看到修女..我为什么会这么说呢?让我来告诉你吧..是有很多修女,可是我妈看到的是commalite的修女..commalite是指没人看得到的修女..她们在一间church,信徒们去祈祷时,根本看不到修女..她们不能给人看的..穿得一身巧克力色的修女服,包得一身紧..只能看到脸而已的..那时我就很奇怪,问阿姨们做么不能给人看?她说就像尼姑这样..看不到的..她们也没出来逛街什么的,都有人帮她们打理的..所以我妈就是因为有那修女的迷津才决定baptize的..忘了告诉你,有其中一位修女病入膏荒了,所以才不得已进医院的..21号,跟我的小学同学们有聚会..很开兴能够再次跟他们同聚..呵呵,,全部人都变得很不一样,.男大女大18变..22号,跟妈两人去riverside那看rush hour 3..那时的她有点没力,需要我扶她..两个人就去逛先,讨厌,全都是马来人较多..可惜我跟妈不能坐在一起..因为满人..只能分开坐..看完,我就去买我的diesel裙..呵呵..超开兴的..搭德士回家,竟然要rm15..真是够命的..
4号,买了我的白包包..^^7号,下午有bio ceramah,所以放学就跟啦回吟家..两点就倒回去..很不幸的,我跟啦走去学校途中..看到有一个男子走在我们的前面..我那时没事做,就一直跟啦讲,他会不会是变态老阿..因为我们看不到他的两只手,他放在前面..讲一讲,我们两个就有一点怕怕..啦问我要不要走捷径,我说不用啦..可能是自己吓自己啦..哪知快要到了半路的小路,那个男子竟然躲在那..阿~~我怕死了赶快跑..啦则走快步..他真的是变态老..我快要哭了..整身都发抖了..很kong阿..做么都这么衰阿..haiyoyo..过后bio ceramah完了,我去厕所..艾呀!@我的最爱的镜子被我打破了..真是的,我真的自认倒霉了啦!心好痛哦,我的镜子..跟了我3年了啦..讨厌!!!9号,bi叫我去游泳..我们两先去scoop吃ice cream..感觉很好..又好吃..只是贵了点..听她讲她的故事..吃好后就去hilton找她的妈妈,阿姨在里面的一间salon作工..就去上面游泳咯..那时有人开派对..又点不敢不敢,可是最后还是去游泳~呵呵..真爽!17号,就是我跟我妈车祸的那一天..回想起来,就是那场车祸导致我妈这么快走的原因吧..没有那场车祸,她的魂就不会被吓到,没有那场车祸,她就不会变得乱讲话..我真的好后悔..捶心肝..故事是这样,我放学回了,我的邻居有programme,所以我就自己找车回..那时妈mc我..放学了,我就打给她叫她来载..她本来叫大哥来载的,可是大哥冲着凉..她怕我会等太久,就来载我..那时载好我,她说她要去银行领钱,去tj的 bank,我领好钱后,正要关上们而已,还来不及戴seat belt,她不小心误把reverse踩到油门,整辆车reverse的很快就撞到了树..很多人都说我为什么不要拉brek..拜托,我以经紧张的不知所措了,哪还有心思去想该怎么办,.我真的是吓呆了..真的很幸运没撞到人或者车..就是撞到树而已..我那时撞到了窗门..看到妈整个人软起来,赶快开车门走去妈那儿..很多人都在看,bank的工作人员打了电话给ambulance..妈很镇定..所以自从那车祸车祸之后,她整个人变得很会乱讲话..以经神质不情楚了..隔天18号,我的劲痛..不能扭转,哥带我去urut,,扭两三下劲就好多了..咳~30号,就跟秀她们去pizza junction庆祝她的生日..
Monday, December 31, 2007
我对2007年的每一月的感想 (1)
一月了,我升上了form4..去了新的一班,认识到了那些在几年前不曾说过话的朋友们..也很高兴终于了解到feli,双婷..至于阿啦当然不用说了,从form1认识到她现在..那月9号,是我第一次配隐型眼镜.我还记得去年一直吵着要戴,可是被妈妈阻止了..所以到那天才自己走路去买..那时侯有补习,补习前就自己走路去买了..补习近近而已..咳无知少女就是了..呵呵..27号,没去学校,因为aunt3的唯一儿子也就是我的表哥结婚..我跟妈说我不想去学校,我要去早上的婚礼赠茶仪式..晚上就出席他的晚宴..妈妈那时侯都没去,因为她在养伤..我等表姐来载我之前,跟她拍了一张相片..回想那时侯我真的很庆幸有跟她拍照,现在我的手机也放了这张相片作为wallpaper..28号,就是大家都知道的娱乐新闻许纬伦车祸去世的事件..咳,人生无常..31号,是妈第一次的化疗在normah specialist..她很坚强..
6号,是妈妈的生日..她今年收了三粒蛋糕..她好开兴哦..呵呵..一个是我们送的,一个是二姐的哥儿们送的,另外一个就是她的cousin aunty twins送的..8号,拍全班照..晚上就跟爸妈去jade pot吃..妈那时侯根本不喜欢在那吃,因为她都不喜欢那边的食物..是我这个小女子推介的..=p..她们不喜欢,我喜欢嘛~10号,已是假期了..我去拉直头发..呵呵..因为看惯了我的倦发想换发质了..刚好干姐ling回来古晋这里..晚上就跟她和bi去jln song的pizza hut吃晚餐..过后又走去马中那儿聊天..12号,约吟和啦去kfc聊天..ling&bi也在那,只是不同桌..晚上就和cousin们去香港面粥家吃晚餐..四个女子..我,ling,bi& aunt3's 女唯一女儿也就是我的表姐..她载我们出去kai kai..在大屋睡,隔天晚上,13号,发烧..又隔一天14号,在下午发烧..爸帮我kiap sa..天阿,,.最惨的一个下午..哭到好惨..哈哈..一直要乘机逃跑但被爸给抓了起来..妈妈还在那笑..grrr..又隔一天15号,背后酸痛..是那kiap sa导致我的背后痛..=( 18号,第一次服用那个brown rice powder..好好喝..是aunty connie介绍给我妈的..19号,没有声音..声带不知做么,发不出声音..也好,不用跟无聊人废话..呵呵..21号,来了一年轻kakak..小过我耶..天生就有兔唇..所以我每次都要她重复她的话,因为听不清楚..今年的一月我已有爱慕者称雪梯(nick name)=p..看到他很开心..我只是在发表我那时侯的心情而不是现在啦!!要搞清楚哦..23号,跟别人拿了他的号码..当然开心咯..而且又紧张..25号,小熊msg我,跟我讲心事..好久没跟他聊了自从上了form4..30号,今年的第一次踏进kpca..自从去年的事见之后就再也没踏进那儿咯..所以是今年的地一次咯..31号,跟winnie,vivian她们两去jln song逛晚上的夜市..
1号,去拜山..妈那边的relative..拜好了,第一次勇敢的msg我的爱慕者..呵呵..少女心情阿..莫怪莫怪..4号,跟吟去看mr.bean..就我们两个人而已..还以为会播很久,哪知才一个小时半而已,真是超不爽的!6号,跟吟去kpca看雪梯,.然后就去吃冰淇淋..8号,跟妈和小kakak去吃早餐过后又去马中走走吃冰淇淋..哪知下午,小kakak的agent带她走..真他妈的她!!old woman..她要吃我们的钱,嫌我们给不够,.就带走她..她还一直暗示我她不想走..可是没办法,那个欧巴桑偏偏拉她走..真气死人,,13号,来了一个kakak..大我几岁而已..18号,哭到眼睛肿,.没原因,,我忘了记下原因..20号,跟爸和干爹去j&j吃消夜..21号,好久没吃到rendang了..aunt5煮的..好吃~23号,我的心病又发作了..爸带我去王慧英那拿药..24号,我最勇敢了..自愿去演讲我的国文作文..哇哈哈..同学们,看了这篇文章别炸我阿~呵呵=p..25号,那个kakak又走了..她一直哭哭哭,妈火大了就叫她的agent送她走..真是的..妈也开始跟aunt lu fung念日本经了..26号,大姐回来探望妈..我跟妈去shopping然后才
去机场接大姐..27号,没去学校,没原因..好像是大姐回来了所以选择一天不要去..跟妈和大姐去肥猫吃早餐..28号,跟姐和妈去香港铜罗湾吃早餐..第一次去那..好美哦..crown tower装修了比较美去..29号,午餐吃素,满好吃的,不错不错..然后去aloha买它的chicken pie..超好吃..以前是妈推介我吃的,.一极棒!!晚上就去bdc联运那吃晚餐..晚上就跟大姐和她的朋友看电影..the hills have eyes ll..又刺激又恐怖..30号,陪妈在normah化疗..家里的厕所装修..晚上就去stutong的礼明吃..晚上11.30pm家里停电..真是的!
一月了,我升上了form4..去了新的一班,认识到了那些在几年前不曾说过话的朋友们..也很高兴终于了解到feli,双婷..至于阿啦当然不用说了,从form1认识到她现在..那月9号,是我第一次配隐型眼镜.我还记得去年一直吵着要戴,可是被妈妈阻止了..所以到那天才自己走路去买..那时侯有补习,补习前就自己走路去买了..补习近近而已..咳无知少女就是了..呵呵..27号,没去学校,因为aunt3的唯一儿子也就是我的表哥结婚..我跟妈说我不想去学校,我要去早上的婚礼赠茶仪式..晚上就出席他的晚宴..妈妈那时侯都没去,因为她在养伤..我等表姐来载我之前,跟她拍了一张相片..回想那时侯我真的很庆幸有跟她拍照,现在我的手机也放了这张相片作为wallpaper..28号,就是大家都知道的娱乐新闻许纬伦车祸去世的事件..咳,人生无常..31号,是妈第一次的化疗在normah specialist..她很坚强..
6号,是妈妈的生日..她今年收了三粒蛋糕..她好开兴哦..呵呵..一个是我们送的,一个是二姐的哥儿们送的,另外一个就是她的cousin aunty twins送的..8号,拍全班照..晚上就跟爸妈去jade pot吃..妈那时侯根本不喜欢在那吃,因为她都不喜欢那边的食物..是我这个小女子推介的..=p..她们不喜欢,我喜欢嘛~10号,已是假期了..我去拉直头发..呵呵..因为看惯了我的倦发想换发质了..刚好干姐ling回来古晋这里..晚上就跟她和bi去jln song的pizza hut吃晚餐..过后又走去马中那儿聊天..12号,约吟和啦去kfc聊天..ling&bi也在那,只是不同桌..晚上就和cousin们去香港面粥家吃晚餐..四个女子..我,ling,bi& aunt3's 女唯一女儿也就是我的表姐..她载我们出去kai kai..在大屋睡,隔天晚上,13号,发烧..又隔一天14号,在下午发烧..爸帮我kiap sa..天阿,,.最惨的一个下午..哭到好惨..哈哈..一直要乘机逃跑但被爸给抓了起来..妈妈还在那笑..grrr..又隔一天15号,背后酸痛..是那kiap sa导致我的背后痛..=( 18号,第一次服用那个brown rice powder..好好喝..是aunty connie介绍给我妈的..19号,没有声音..声带不知做么,发不出声音..也好,不用跟无聊人废话..呵呵..21号,来了一年轻kakak..小过我耶..天生就有兔唇..所以我每次都要她重复她的话,因为听不清楚..今年的一月我已有爱慕者称雪梯(nick name)=p..看到他很开心..我只是在发表我那时侯的心情而不是现在啦!!要搞清楚哦..23号,跟别人拿了他的号码..当然开心咯..而且又紧张..25号,小熊msg我,跟我讲心事..好久没跟他聊了自从上了form4..30号,今年的第一次踏进kpca..自从去年的事见之后就再也没踏进那儿咯..所以是今年的地一次咯..31号,跟winnie,vivian她们两去jln song逛晚上的夜市..
1号,去拜山..妈那边的relative..拜好了,第一次勇敢的msg我的爱慕者..呵呵..少女心情阿..莫怪莫怪..4号,跟吟去看mr.bean..就我们两个人而已..还以为会播很久,哪知才一个小时半而已,真是超不爽的!6号,跟吟去kpca看雪梯,.然后就去吃冰淇淋..8号,跟妈和小kakak去吃早餐过后又去马中走走吃冰淇淋..哪知下午,小kakak的agent带她走..真他妈的她!!old woman..她要吃我们的钱,嫌我们给不够,.就带走她..她还一直暗示我她不想走..可是没办法,那个欧巴桑偏偏拉她走..真气死人,,13号,来了一个kakak..大我几岁而已..18号,哭到眼睛肿,.没原因,,我忘了记下原因..20号,跟爸和干爹去j&j吃消夜..21号,好久没吃到rendang了..aunt5煮的..好吃~23号,我的心病又发作了..爸带我去王慧英那拿药..24号,我最勇敢了..自愿去演讲我的国文作文..哇哈哈..同学们,看了这篇文章别炸我阿~呵呵=p..25号,那个kakak又走了..她一直哭哭哭,妈火大了就叫她的agent送她走..真是的..妈也开始跟aunt lu fung念日本经了..26号,大姐回来探望妈..我跟妈去shopping然后才
去机场接大姐..27号,没去学校,没原因..好像是大姐回来了所以选择一天不要去..跟妈和大姐去肥猫吃早餐..28号,跟姐和妈去香港铜罗湾吃早餐..第一次去那..好美哦..crown tower装修了比较美去..29号,午餐吃素,满好吃的,不错不错..然后去aloha买它的chicken pie..超好吃..以前是妈推介我吃的,.一极棒!!晚上就去bdc联运那吃晚餐..晚上就跟大姐和她的朋友看电影..the hills have eyes ll..又刺激又恐怖..30号,陪妈在normah化疗..家里的厕所装修..晚上就去stutong的礼明吃..晚上11.30pm家里停电..真是的!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
mum's day 40
morning went to church..i would like to go to father lim there but........~speechless~...after church,went to green gallery there searching for my artificial flowers..for put at mum's graveyard there..finally i found it..hehe..nina call me to join her at joanne's hse party tomolo night..but i feel like don want to go..all is stranger for me except she n joanne..but i don want~31st tomolo..all go countdown..yin called me go amily's hse bbq..but i refused..don feel like want to go out..at night,i copied some things,bi called me to open the gate..get shocked..cos 10pm already..hahaa..bi called me go to big hse bbq..aiyoyo..lazy ar..dad was feeling hungry ,called us go da pao..i cheat him bi get license already..you thought he's stu... mei???he asked bi let him see her license ar..haha,,.funny~
Saturday, December 29, 2007
a mass for mum
woke up at 5.30am when heard my roaster sound..went to church by 6.15am..gosh,damn cold in the earlier morning..0.0''..i brought my rosary to let father lim bless it..after the mass we went to king center ling long for breakfst.. one of the twins aunty lost her hp..she very nervous..oops..i saw a woman looks like my mum ..get shocked..totally looks like tat time she had passed away//haiy...after that,went to big hse..aunty them need move to her own hse stay bcos sch want to reopen le..aunt and ah ge go to work..bi stay at my hse...oh no~finally i found my song@@@@@!!!!damn thrill..almost want go to bang the wall...yea~thank you...^^bi went out with her fren who was back frm australia for her summer holiday,an old fren..later i out with nina..when nina reached my home,bi stil not yet back..haiyo,,so late..aunty cant wait for her bcos she have to rushed to ken take her cloths by 5pm..that time was 4.32pm..we reached ken,bu jus back my home..sorry..her bf picked her up..after ken,then went for mcd,aunty and nina were hungry bcos they jus came down frm their kampung..nina wanted to cut hair,and aunty wanted to wash her hair at richard's salon..so i shop in the popular lo..found lots of great book,.saw li yan's elder sistar..what a coincidence..!at last i bought 1 book..after at salon,then walked to srw watson..i bought the candle,nina bought her sch bag,walked to riverside again..i found my straight cut jean.but not my cup of tea..nina search for her sch shoe..after shopping,the time was bout 8.35pm..my legs getting pain..grrr..beh tahan..2 more days to go..
Friday, December 28, 2007
thought today is a boring day again..feli msg me ask me out..sure i do~^^haha..she jus backed frm singapore yesterday nite,so sure i wan to meet her..she gave a packet of seashell chocolate..thank you=)we went to stutong there 1st,buy her black skirt for her performance in the church..then i bought my kakak a towel and a clip for her present since she came until now i nvr give her anything..hehe..after that,we 2 would like to go the new plaza,ehhe..wuken beh tahan then go loh..we 2 nvr been there mah so...hard to parking,also have to wait..iisshh..finally get a parking frm the man who guide us..lots of dust..yehhh..dirty~went upstair..my eyes shine shine again..@.@'' ..i bought 2 chains,and glasses..after that went to mcd eat abit..we 2 eat french fries,my dad called me..ask me to buy fresh flowers..already almost 6pm..so fast~back home..later 7.30pm we pray for mum for her 40 days..tomolo got a mass for my mum at the church,so me went to big hse overnight again..have to get up at 5.30am yeh..start at 6am fo for the rosary,6.30am baru get started for the mass..
Thursday, December 27, 2007
lucky / unlucky(half half)
i was prepared for my sauce in the afternoon..evening,aunt5 had called me to get ready,so i prayed for mum first..7.30pm out frm hse..i went to big hse overnight.we 2 suppose wanted went to the new plaza,but alang alang ah ge finished her work at 8pm..so spent half an hour waiting for her at cutting edge..after that,we went to our destination..damage~traffic jam!yyeeehhh...wait till sien ar..don go liao..order pizza better...haha..bi finished her work at 9pm..her darling fetch her back..we 3 went back big hse,i called the pizza hotline,for order large..but the waitress told me their large size is finished already,then order regular size but she cost me the same price same as the large price..grr..i didnt listen properly then hang up my ph..i was a bit blur blur that time..(OS:huh?gave me a regular size but stil the same price as large size..shit!why like that,really damn unluck today)..while unlock the main door,suddenly run out of electric..the hse was darker..we 3 were so afraid..why so unlucky today..no large pizza ,no went to the new plaza,plus running out of electric!!!ggrrrr..memang malang..after a few mins aunty tried to search the switch which caused the running out of electric..finally found it..the hse is normal..got electric finally ..phew~after 15 mins,the pizza man was came..ooops..2 regular pizza!!!woooo...im so lucky....i thought have 1 only,..hehe..felt happy and mood is goin better,..haha..oh ya,.i realised that i didnt listen properly when the waitress told me ..haiyo..my fault..bi back too..me n ah ge finish eaten the pizza..so full ya..great supper i had ever eaten this month..hahah..chit chat wit bi almost 12am..sharing story baru fall asleep..
morning,get up by calling frm aunty at 6.54am,.my alam is 7am ler..-.-'',,get up and boiled my water for cook the macaronni..finish bathing,then took out the sauce and warm it..they out at 8am..im waiting teac to pick me up..went to sch..saw lala and yin..doin those work until 11am..saw alots of form 3 students ..oh ya,they collect their pmr results..ting fetch me back hom..we 2 went to the garden..i wan cry lah..damn scary..=(..i scare,...really scary..ting teach me drive,,too stu... lah me..she keep on laughing..hahah..i think she will vomit after teaching me..3.10pm is my dentist appointment..late dad pick me at 2pm..kong ar..so early..i rather than go to aunt3 hse to spend my time lor..reach there,waiting for the nurse calling my name..while i seat in,i met dr.alex..
he told me i have to take out 1 more teeth in the lower left side..oh no..again..iissshh...he say do the upper 1st..so the woman dentist make a model of the teeth for me,1st is lower and the last is upper..lower i felt no pain at all,but the upper 1,really really make me damn feeling death..i almost wanted to vomit..i can feel my eyes full with tears ...oh no,even a few second i also cant tahan..the woman dentist and n the guy assistant keep on calling me relax,shake my foots,breathing..phew!at last baru okay..the guy assistance call me to wash my face,he is laughing at me..shit him..see my face with the dirt,,so i have another appointment for next month,,haiy..have to sacrifice for beauty.~
i was prepared for my sauce in the afternoon..evening,aunt5 had called me to get ready,so i prayed for mum first..7.30pm out frm hse..i went to big hse overnight.we 2 suppose wanted went to the new plaza,but alang alang ah ge finished her work at 8pm..so spent half an hour waiting for her at cutting edge..after that,we went to our destination..damage~traffic jam!yyeeehhh...wait till sien ar..don go liao..order pizza better...haha..bi finished her work at 9pm..her darling fetch her back..we 3 went back big hse,i called the pizza hotline,for order large..but the waitress told me their large size is finished already,then order regular size but she cost me the same price same as the large price..grr..i didnt listen properly then hang up my ph..i was a bit blur blur that time..(OS:huh?gave me a regular size but stil the same price as large size..shit!why like that,really damn unluck today)..while unlock the main door,suddenly run out of electric..the hse was darker..we 3 were so afraid..why so unlucky today..no large pizza ,no went to the new plaza,plus running out of electric!!!ggrrrr..memang malang..after a few mins aunty tried to search the switch which caused the running out of electric..finally found it..the hse is normal..got electric finally ..phew~after 15 mins,the pizza man was came..ooops..2 regular pizza!!!woooo...im so lucky....i thought have 1 only,..hehe..felt happy and mood is goin better,..haha..oh ya,.i realised that i didnt listen properly when the waitress told me ..haiyo..my fault..bi back too..me n ah ge finish eaten the pizza..so full ya..great supper i had ever eaten this month..hahah..chit chat wit bi almost 12am..sharing story baru fall asleep..
morning,get up by calling frm aunty at 6.54am,.my alam is 7am ler..-.-'',,get up and boiled my water for cook the macaronni..finish bathing,then took out the sauce and warm it..they out at 8am..im waiting teac to pick me up..went to sch..saw lala and yin..doin those work until 11am..saw alots of form 3 students ..oh ya,they collect their pmr results..ting fetch me back hom..we 2 went to the garden..i wan cry lah..damn scary..=(..i scare,...really scary..ting teach me drive,,too stu... lah me..she keep on laughing..hahah..i think she will vomit after teaching me..3.10pm is my dentist appointment..late dad pick me at 2pm..kong ar..so early..i rather than go to aunt3 hse to spend my time lor..reach there,waiting for the nurse calling my name..while i seat in,i met dr.alex..
he told me i have to take out 1 more teeth in the lower left side..oh no..again..iissshh...he say do the upper 1st..so the woman dentist make a model of the teeth for me,1st is lower and the last is upper..lower i felt no pain at all,but the upper 1,really really make me damn feeling death..i almost wanted to vomit..i can feel my eyes full with tears ...oh no,even a few second i also cant tahan..the woman dentist and n the guy assistant keep on calling me relax,shake my foots,breathing..phew!at last baru okay..the guy assistance call me to wash my face,he is laughing at me..shit him..see my face with the dirt,,so i have another appointment for next month,,haiy..have to sacrifice for beauty.~
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
chrisTmas dAy
suppose set my alarm at 8.30am..but woke up at 9am..quickly kemas everything..aunt connie came at 9.30am..wah..she was quicker than my though..ehhe..call bi,but they not yet take bath,so we 3 went to our breakfast first..i intro them to my favourite cafe..hhaha..haiyo tat nina damn like their cappucino..whats that!!not really taste nice,.stil damn like~crazy..hahah..niNa ar nIna!after our breakfast then went to big hse..the 3 are still like tortoise..we wait for them..bi has gave me & nina thechristmas gift..^^thank you bi..tat was my 1st christmas gift..i appreciate it..everybody is get ready then 6 of us went to my mum's graveyard..*aunt5*,her 2 daughters *ah ge*ah bi*aunt connie*nina* and ME!went there,we prayed for her..quite many ppls today..bcos christmas mah~11am we went back to aunt connie hse 1st..i went there take bath..nina was played her guitar..wooo..she was played well..12pm baru back to big hse..we wait for big aunt them..all want to gathered at the big hse here..hehe..we 3 girls then play uno cards lo..so funny lah,owes laugh crazily..i think im the one who most crazier than them..owes made them laugh..hahah..so enjoyable today..all of us stay at the big hse there until 6pm baru back to my home have the dinner..i ask aunt connie cook the sweet&sour fillet for us..dad has his dinner at outside wit his prudential frens..only bro didnt out..suppose all want to go to hollywood but failed..aunty them all no guts..iissshhh..aunt connie n nina back at 8pm.then left aunt5 them so we prayed for my mum..10pm they jus back to big hse..aunt5 bring along my kakak,she wan her to do the cleaning tomolo ,bcos damn dirty there..then i agree..miss my fortune telling half an hour neh..grrr..bro told me ask me to visit aunt ah yong tomolo..hmm so i have to call her to ask for her permission..why have to ask???bcos scare she pantang so have to ask lo..aunt connie them back to her kampung tomolo..and aunt 5 them all have to work tomolo..haiy back to normal life again,,hahah..hey gal wat do u mean normal life?its exactly normal life okay~yeah yeah..i know lah..(my OS)=p
^^merry christmas ^^what an enjoyable christmas mum,..i know u can feel it!
^^merry christmas ^^what an enjoyable christmas mum,..i know u can feel it!
christmas eve
get up to wish mum a merry christmas!^^nth special for morning..and the afternoo got to prepared my ingredient for my spagheti and fried ball..aunt5 was came my hse after she finished work at 6pm..while prepared my sauce,danny owes rush me to cooked quickly..iishhh,,he was hungry till death,standing at there and stared on my sauce..owes stealed my fish ball..su[ppose a very nice plate full with my fish ball,but only left half plate..damn him..kuat makan lah~grrr..aunt connie them came at 8pm..after that the twins aunty came at 8.30pm..we have to go to church b4 10pm.suppose wanted go to st.jo wit aunt connie but all of the aunty them go to the holy trinity so just followed them/..oh no..i had didnt seen my bibi for a month already..now that saw her..very thrilled~10pm..so went to church there..all the seat have full of ppl..we 3 girls sit together..nina,me and bi,.wooo..alots of goodies..my eyes shine shine..hahhaa...started at 11pm..then ended at 12.15am..we sang song,prayers,receive the holy communion,blessed every1..at last meet father lim..what a great midnight eve..aunt5 had call me went to the big hse slep with them together,i refused,..i wan with my mama..
get up to wish mum a merry christmas!^^nth special for morning..and the afternoo got to prepared my ingredient for my spagheti and fried ball..aunt5 was came my hse after she finished work at 6pm..while prepared my sauce,danny owes rush me to cooked quickly..iishhh,,he was hungry till death,standing at there and stared on my sauce..owes stealed my fish ball..su[ppose a very nice plate full with my fish ball,but only left half plate..damn him..kuat makan lah~grrr..aunt connie them came at 8pm..after that the twins aunty came at 8.30pm..we have to go to church b4 10pm.suppose wanted go to st.jo wit aunt connie but all of the aunty them go to the holy trinity so just followed them/..oh no..i had didnt seen my bibi for a month already..now that saw her..very thrilled~10pm..so went to church there..all the seat have full of ppl..we 3 girls sit together..nina,me and bi,.wooo..alots of goodies..my eyes shine shine..hahhaa...started at 11pm..then ended at 12.15am..we sang song,prayers,receive the holy communion,blessed every1..at last meet father lim..what a great midnight eve..aunt5 had call me went to the big hse slep with them together,i refused,..i wan with my mama..
Sunday, December 23, 2007
nOn stOp
晚上,快要进入梦乡了,却被回忆给阻碍住了..回忆什么呢??关于我对我妈所做的一切..回想当初我怎么对待我的母亲..我一直挺我爸,一直替我爸说好话,也一只跟我妈唱反调..!想到这个我就以经哭成泪人了..凌辰一点多跪在床边,祈求妈妈的原谅..我对她所做的一切的一切,请你原谅我..mama,i ask for your forgiveness,i know its too late to apologize to you..a heavy sin by me,.pls forgive what i had done to you ..终于体会到超出爱情友情的那个痛..失去挚爱的家人,心生不如死..好想捶死它..不要让它在跳动下去了..我的一个小学同学名叫钦丰,他在小学五年就失去了母亲,现在我终于体会到了他的痛,他的心情..请原谅我那时对你的冷漠..所以阿,不要让自己留下终生遗憾阿!否则有胆的话一定自寻短路..我的经验我了解..说实在,我一直都把她当成是去外地旅游,并切相信她有朝一日会回来的,相思她的每一天,心就有一股阵痛..别人把我像自己的孩子一样疼,我很感激,可是亲生妈妈的那种无条件的爱和付出,是无法代替和比较的..接下来的人生,我永远永远也体会不到她的关心她的无理取闹了..我唯一能做的就是疼我的爸爸了..把对妈妈的爱一起给爸爸..我不想再留遗憾了..遗憾会否定一个人的生存价值..我走过来了..
morning,got up at 7.44am..rush to kemas everyting..waiting for aunty connie pick me up to her hse..one of nina's fren joanne came to her overnight for goin church too..9.40am we reached at the church..the rosary is almost finished..礼仪我也渐渐地熟了..11am结束..去一家餐厅吃fast food..我好久没吃rendang了..quite hot&spicy..一点多,我叫阿姨放我在tj..i wanted to wash&cut hair..after 40mins,then went to buy my stationary,candle and my spagheti food..tomolo im goin to cook for them for my 1st christmas eve..2pm dad came to pick me up..we went to mum's graveyard for her 1st christmas..we celebrate earlier a day for her..when i viewed frm far far away ,i saw my mum's graveyard is the most special than others..most highest&most beautiful..the 4angels is very cute,which blue in colour..we lighted up the candle,put the fresh flowers into the vase..then pray for her..when i sang at the last hym for her,i was felt dizzy such a sudden,whole body seat at the beside of mum's graveyard..那时侯还大热天,我们三个都变成烧鸡了,爸还真会挑时间..我想是因为我一整天都在走动,加上我人又*不舒服*,又大热天的,哪受的了阿..可我还是继续唱完我的歌..然后就跟我爸讲我头晕,要回家了..爸扶我走..他说我欠运动,好命过头每天都藏在家里吹冷气,当然一时不能在太阳底下被晒个精光..(OS:我又不是因为这些才晕的吧,一定是我来那个才造成晕晕的..huh..我给你我的身体看你会知道我有多晕吗!!真是的,.)大哥还作弄我说是妈妈抱着我才导致我会晕.,因为我是唯一在妈的焚墓旁边.那两个都在妈的焚前..这个人真的很欠common sense耶,被灵魂抱应该是没知觉吧..总之那时在车里超无力,就不跟他拗下去了..跟这种人沟痛简直是在伤了我的体力..他还想诱惑我说:'燕,要不要去boulevard,?我们现在就去哦..kia..',爸回煞他说不要去跟人家挤啦..他想用这个来诱惑我,门都没有..我不要回应他,专心疗我的头..慧到家就已经快要四点了,冲好凉就去睡我的觉..四个阿姨刚好来我家探望我妈..妈妈的三个姐姐和一个五妹..大家看着我家的photo album又哭成一团..咳,.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
whole night cant get a good sleep..you ask me why?i din even know why and alots of question mark in my mind~since this month i really had no 1 day is get myself to slep very well..iisshh..then the next morning i will sleep very sweet until 11am smth..i don like this feeling though..eventhough i didnt take a nap for a long time already when it's holiday..damn,..what to do??talk with myself lor in the midnight..grrr..this afternoon followed dad went to market buy vege..night,feli told me she wil not be goin to the assistance of the kelab,so im goin to less a fren..besides that,yin called me that she couldnt accompany me tomolo..oh no,hao must be getting disappointed if im not goin to meet him./.and he will be leaving here on this sat night..EXCUSE ME??everthing is come too coincidence!!!what can i do..blaming them???NO..just *sigh*...so this is the fate between me n hao..he always looking forward to meet me..but coincidence is killing me..why im so upset??no lah/.jus see him pity that he couldnt meet me lah..and im goin to spend my time again with my drama/fortune book.
Monday, December 17, 2007
bio project
last night feli called me out..she want to buy those ingredient ..ooo.she with wukenshi..after bought our foods then went to eat my favourite..oh no,meet my dad n uncle peter..hahha..what a coincidence!he teach me alots of things but i think i might forgot already..haha..
iisshhh..holiday still want to rush our bio proj..3 of them my classmates came to my hse today//feli came at 9.30am first..im still sleeping..raining today..damn cold..12pm then lala came..1smth ting baru came..then i cooked my spag..hungry till death..im afraid they don like the taste,,..oh no..delicious~but they eat less...huh...spoiled my mood only...hahah..after that then all of us discuss the proj..not spent than half a hour our discussion is complet..see them do nth then think of play millionaire..they all laugh at me..they dont play it for an ages..hahha./. play until ting back..then 4pm smth already..we plan for next time again for the 2nd discussion..lala been busy for this coming christmas..so great feli & ting also go for holiday next year...
iisshhh..holiday still want to rush our bio proj..3 of them my classmates came to my hse today//feli came at 9.30am first..im still sleeping..raining today..damn cold..12pm then lala came..1smth ting baru came..then i cooked my spag..hungry till death..im afraid they don like the taste,,..oh no..delicious~but they eat less...huh...spoiled my mood only...hahah..after that then all of us discuss the proj..not spent than half a hour our discussion is complet..see them do nth then think of play millionaire..they all laugh at me..they dont play it for an ages..hahha./. play until ting back..then 4pm smth already..we plan for next time again for the 2nd discussion..lala been busy for this coming christmas..so great feli & ting also go for holiday next year...
Saturday, December 15, 2007
get stucked
this few days im getting stucked in my taiwanese drama..damn nice..less step outside frm my room..this morning,get up at 7am..quickly ask kakak helped me make dumpling and fried it..i need to bring there eat..oh gosh..raining..waiting for the guy//then i go to feli hse after that is ss hse..wooo..early morning so crowded at there..we 3 keep on make fun..do nth..6hrs !!spending our time at there..chit chat alots..whahah..4pm baru back home..ss back to my hse..she wan on9..i gave her my stuff..telling story..*sigHHH*
Sunday, December 9, 2007
relieve myself
today is sunday//7.30am my alarm rang..but...continue sleep..why i have to set alarm??bcos already promise aunt connie sunday morning go to church..aunty connie is my mum's cousin..
then kakak wake me up,said aunty'd phone me just now .. ooopsss...quickly rush to toilet to brush teeth..then had my breakfast..luckily she not yet come..the church is start at 10am actually,then aunty pick me up at 8.30.am.her daughter's nina not yet woke up..back to her home first...nina's 3 cousin all overnite at her there last night..9.30pm we out frm hse to the blessed sacrament church.,woo..lots of ppl..i'd nvr been such a larger crowded church before..9.30am start the rosary prayer..finish at 11am..we went to breakfast,then aunty called stay up at her hse,she want me to teach nina how to make the toasted chicken wing..hmm seems i do nth at home so..stay at her home until 4pm..me n nina have make toasted chicken wings,after that,then chit chat and watch movie in her room..she told me alots of thing..ask me go to her friend's prom next year..bcos she is goin to perform her bands in hilton..see im lonely then ask me to go those prom,camp,seminar n so on..is time to back home,aunty had told me,my family didnt dream of mum is bcos she is happily in the heaven,if the departed, request smth frm u in ur dream,that is not good,it is bcos the departed are suffering from the hell..i had just realise since mum had passed away she had never appeared in our dream before..our prayer just looks like their food,the more we pray for her,her sins will getting lesser and lesser,the fastest way to heaven..mum,you have to proud of us,..finally i get the explanation frm aunty connie..i'd totally relieved myself frm that dream..the time is 6.13pm,i were damn exhausted,go to take a nap first baru have my dinner..
then kakak wake me up,said aunty'd phone me just now .. ooopsss...quickly rush to toilet to brush teeth..then had my breakfast..luckily she not yet come..the church is start at 10am actually,then aunty pick me up at 8.30.am.her daughter's nina not yet woke up..back to her home first...nina's 3 cousin all overnite at her there last night..9.30pm we out frm hse to the blessed sacrament church.,woo..lots of ppl..i'd nvr been such a larger crowded church before..9.30am start the rosary prayer..finish at 11am..we went to breakfast,then aunty called stay up at her hse,she want me to teach nina how to make the toasted chicken wing..hmm seems i do nth at home so..stay at her home until 4pm..me n nina have make toasted chicken wings,after that,then chit chat and watch movie in her room..she told me alots of thing..ask me go to her friend's prom next year..bcos she is goin to perform her bands in hilton..see im lonely then ask me to go those prom,camp,seminar n so on..is time to back home,aunty had told me,my family didnt dream of mum is bcos she is happily in the heaven,if the departed, request smth frm u in ur dream,that is not good,it is bcos the departed are suffering from the hell..i had just realise since mum had passed away she had never appeared in our dream before..our prayer just looks like their food,the more we pray for her,her sins will getting lesser and lesser,the fastest way to heaven..mum,you have to proud of us,..finally i get the explanation frm aunty connie..i'd totally relieved myself frm that dream..the time is 6.13pm,i were damn exhausted,go to take a nap first baru have my dinner..
Saturday, December 8, 2007
naughty boy & losing weight
my naughty boy is goin back to kl today..im just back from airport..when there,help them check in..everything is goin smooth..no overweight..phew~hehe//luckily i did not cry in front my boy..if not he will laugh at me and insult me..besides, papa was sick of flu..i always tell myself do not sick,do not fall down,need to be strong..but now im losing lots of weight..damage..~since mum had passed away,im getting weaker & weaker..eat less,drink more..weird~not balancing at all..=p..totally losing 3kg..nowadays,always skip my dinner..not i want to diet,is no appetite to eat..hope this coming new year i'll be back as last time..
Friday, December 7, 2007
lazy gal do nth at home,so i asked her came to my hse for accompany me ..earlier morning she came,im still sleeping..bull tat gary woke me up,.really want to hit him..she sat at my bed,then keng kai with her till 1oam..i dont want to get up,cos feel giddy..after keng kai,then bathing..pray for my mum with gary..2pm smth//make sushi..her first time//she made it so lau bei..=p//raining..damn..supposed dad asked me to go market with him..but rain..what to do??stil have to go..reached there..dad asked me stay in the car with lazy gal..heard her talk bout her parents..haiy..~speechless~......my dad sent her back home,but she forgot to brought along the sushi with her..night she baru came my hse to take again lor..i made a chain for her..beautiful^^..night..told dad i want to have a gathering during xmas..dad dont let..jus a simple gathering..mum used to exchange gift with all the ppl when xmas..i want to follow her footstep..midnight,.cant sleep...watch the video of mum..keep on crying..i'd realised, death isn't the end~ it can be overturn..how to say so??the dead wil appear frm others woman when they are pregnant..return from heaven..
the beloved dead will always beside us..
lazy gal do nth at home,so i asked her came to my hse for accompany me ..earlier morning she came,im still sleeping..bull tat gary woke me up,.really want to hit him..she sat at my bed,then keng kai with her till 1oam..i dont want to get up,cos feel giddy..after keng kai,then bathing..pray for my mum with gary..2pm smth//make sushi..her first time//she made it so lau bei..=p//raining..damn..supposed dad asked me to go market with him..but rain..what to do??stil have to go..reached there..dad asked me stay in the car with lazy gal..heard her talk bout her parents..haiy..~speechless~......my dad sent her back home,but she forgot to brought along the sushi with her..night she baru came my hse to take again lor..i made a chain for her..beautiful^^..night..told dad i want to have a gathering during xmas..dad dont let..jus a simple gathering..mum used to exchange gift with all the ppl when xmas..i want to follow her footstep..midnight,.cant sleep...watch the video of mum..keep on crying..i'd realised, death isn't the end~ it can be overturn..how to say so??the dead wil appear frm others woman when they are pregnant..return from heaven..
the beloved dead will always beside us..
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
recently for this days
recently i had been DIY some necklace..whaha..seems i boring till death..and play some action games too..some lost contact friends had sms me.. get shocked..why>??bcos long long time didnt contact..been a bit weird..mayb they know im getting miserable this few days..or know from others i also not sure..i don want to ask anyway..just keep my mouth shut ! this days,really damn like staying at home,..ppl sure will thought im crazy izit???? NO,my hse..what's up..anything been disturbing you???just ignore me..so many favourite action game..example..cake mania,burger island,fab fashion,wedding dash,delicious deluxe......lots!!uncountable..hey li yan,give me a msg pls after view my blog..thought you dissapear yer,...o.o''
Monday, December 3, 2007
the 2 bitch back to KL
hey,don't think i'm so bad to call them bitch..was named it by the 2.tis morning,get up at 10am..after bathing,then follow the 2 go wash hair..so rich always want to wash hair..their flight is 1pm smth,after wash hair ,looked at the time almost 12pm..back to home..help gary book ticket..my little bro back with my popo at 8th of dec..actually i discussed with my dad yesterday night./
me : pa,i think gary don follow popo back lah,he can delay a bit.hmm..lke 12 or 13 like that
back lor,i bring him back..
dad : hmm..ok oso..you go check the air ticket/..see how much the ticket..
me : no problem..(quickly rushing)^^(bcos i want to go too..bluek..)
after checking..all the price is between 165.99 and 215.99..
i'm thinking..if i go there,got popo there..i sure will be get scolded..and too many ppl there,not very comfortable..so don go better..
me : PA,i dont want go liao lar..i help you book gary's flight same wit popo lar..
dad: (smile)....okay la,book his flight same with popo lar..
actually my dad dont want me to go there,bcos if i go there,home only left papa,brother,kakak..really damn quiet..scare thief come to my hse open party..so i think of don wan go oso..after my spm i also need to go there..so keep this chance for my mama better..i wanna celebrate christmas with her..^^..her FIRST christmas on this year..
me : pa,i think gary don follow popo back lah,he can delay a bit.hmm..lke 12 or 13 like that
back lor,i bring him back..
dad : hmm..ok oso..you go check the air ticket/..see how much the ticket..
me : no problem..(quickly rushing)^^(bcos i want to go too..bluek..)
after checking..all the price is between 165.99 and 215.99..
i'm thinking..if i go there,got popo there..i sure will be get scolded..and too many ppl there,not very comfortable..so don go better..
me : PA,i dont want go liao lar..i help you book gary's flight same wit popo lar..
dad: (smile)....okay la,book his flight same with popo lar..
actually my dad dont want me to go there,bcos if i go there,home only left papa,brother,kakak..really damn quiet..scare thief come to my hse open party..so i think of don wan go oso..after my spm i also need to go there..so keep this chance for my mama better..i wanna celebrate christmas with her..^^..her FIRST christmas on this year..
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