Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
以前妈还生的时侯,她会这样骂我可是她都知道我不会乱来..而且爸从没管我..现在妈不在了,就只有他能管我..是因为sang要回australia了,而且明年的过年才有回,thats why我才一直陪他们去玩..我知道这不是什么坏事,你们也觉得也不是什么大不了的事为何我会不跟老爸说实话..我跟他说实话,他跟本不相信..他不相信我会有这样的朋友..所以选择不说实话是对的!!(你们也要看立场啦~)
我没去补习..i skiP the class..我还记得昨晚他对我说的话..他说."如果将来我娶了你,我会对你失去安全感"..哈哈哈..我听了这话,表面上笑到肚子痛,心想如果一直撒谎我看我不用活下去了..可是我管他的..我对自己有信心..怕什么!我没有骗钱干坏事我就不用怕..
so see you next year ya sang..don worry..i can out oftenly after 1 year..and im wont tell lie again..haha..im stil got 'hang qing' 1..=p..
以前妈还生的时侯,她会这样骂我可是她都知道我不会乱来..而且爸从没管我..现在妈不在了,就只有他能管我..是因为sang要回australia了,而且明年的过年才有回,thats why我才一直陪他们去玩..我知道这不是什么坏事,你们也觉得也不是什么大不了的事为何我会不跟老爸说实话..我跟他说实话,他跟本不相信..他不相信我会有这样的朋友..所以选择不说实话是对的!!(你们也要看立场啦~)
我没去补习..i skiP the class..我还记得昨晚他对我说的话..他说."如果将来我娶了你,我会对你失去安全感"..哈哈哈..我听了这话,表面上笑到肚子痛,心想如果一直撒谎我看我不用活下去了..可是我管他的..我对自己有信心..怕什么!我没有骗钱干坏事我就不用怕..
so see you next year ya sang..don worry..i can out oftenly after 1 year..and im wont tell lie again..haha..im stil got 'hang qing' 1..=p..
Monday, February 25, 2008
我 : 怎么danny会叫你来载,不是我爸吗?(前提是我根本不认识他)
他 : 我本来要去你家的,danny刚好要出去载你,我又顺便嘛,所以就来载你先..你是两个字放学的哈?
我 : 不是,三个字..sorry让你等久了..
他 : 不会,哪里会..我刚才还打给danny,问他你有拉直头发哈..哈哈..
我 : 你见过我meh?做么会知道我有拉直过..
他 : 有勒,以前去你家有见过你,..以前还是卷的.
我 : 哦..所以是danny叫你来载我啦..我本想还要走去停车场耶..(OS:哈?他有见过我meh一前?我根本都不知他..=.='')
他 : 有,他叫我在停车场等你,我又觉得很远勒所以就park这里咯..
我 : (赶紧查电话有没有mis cal..)哇~12个mis cal 耶..对了..你是三伯的儿子哈>?(脑子突然浮起三伯儿子的长像..)
他 : 哈?你不认得我了哦//我就是阿..艾死,如果是别人,你还这样敢上车哦..
我 : 哈哈哈..就是ba..原来是你!大的还是小的?
他 : 小儿子..
我 : (那时侯我憋着我的笑,.因为真的是太好笑了那个画面当他开车门问我是danny的妹妹吗?哈哈哈..真是的..
到家了..心里一直在笑他..嗯..他是我三伯的小儿子..你们一定会奇怪"做么我不会认得他的脸,哪有这样的白痴吧~"其实对我来说,他是potato relative..因为我跟爸那一side的人都没什么来往..我妈也是..一家人都是除了爸跟哥而已..所以远亲长什么脸我有可能会不知..
我在想,换作是别人来载我,我看我都回不了家了吧..ccoi coi coi~=p
我 : 怎么danny会叫你来载,不是我爸吗?(前提是我根本不认识他)
他 : 我本来要去你家的,danny刚好要出去载你,我又顺便嘛,所以就来载你先..你是两个字放学的哈?
我 : 不是,三个字..sorry让你等久了..
他 : 不会,哪里会..我刚才还打给danny,问他你有拉直头发哈..哈哈..
我 : 你见过我meh?做么会知道我有拉直过..
他 : 有勒,以前去你家有见过你,..以前还是卷的.
我 : 哦..所以是danny叫你来载我啦..我本想还要走去停车场耶..(OS:哈?他有见过我meh一前?我根本都不知他..=.='')
他 : 有,他叫我在停车场等你,我又觉得很远勒所以就park这里咯..
我 : (赶紧查电话有没有mis cal..)哇~12个mis cal 耶..对了..你是三伯的儿子哈>?(脑子突然浮起三伯儿子的长像..)
他 : 哈?你不认得我了哦//我就是阿..艾死,如果是别人,你还这样敢上车哦..
我 : 哈哈哈..就是ba..原来是你!大的还是小的?
他 : 小儿子..
我 : (那时侯我憋着我的笑,.因为真的是太好笑了那个画面当他开车门问我是danny的妹妹吗?哈哈哈..真是的..
到家了..心里一直在笑他..嗯..他是我三伯的小儿子..你们一定会奇怪"做么我不会认得他的脸,哪有这样的白痴吧~"其实对我来说,他是potato relative..因为我跟爸那一side的人都没什么来往..我妈也是..一家人都是除了爸跟哥而已..所以远亲长什么脸我有可能会不知..
我在想,换作是别人来载我,我看我都回不了家了吧..ccoi coi coi~=p
Sunday, February 24, 2008
今早,起来找东西吃..没耶好食!就看到有spaghetti的材料..okay lo..就只好煮那来当早餐吃,..呵呵..忙了半个小时才能吃到..
下午一点做着我的chemistry reports,吟打来给我问我要出吗..去吃午餐..我想,sang 27号就要回了,就okay lo..他载了我,有两个新朋友..女的..不算新的啦..我看过的,在koperasi那做的勒..这次的trips有加了amily,和那两个女的..full~呵呵..sang想到要去damai,就问大家同意吗..我们整个吓到..去就去咯..去新建的,damai puri(还不是damai lagoon)=.=..
到了那,大门看起来没什么差别..就只有它的swimming pool在建着新的,而且还有新的swimming pool设备.很可爱..还有蘑姑的模型,和滑板呢!待了一个小时就下了..去palm garden那吃午餐..全部人都饿扁了..吃完后,好可爱的猴子哦..真的好像人勒..会跟你伸手要东西的阿..很可爱..我叫ki yin给它们俩盒的soya bean,一个是大的一个是大的孩子..真的很有灵性咯..大的抢来盒,小的就一直挤去大的下面,喝它滴下来的..看了我们笑哈哈.真是的..~只能说..猴子真的是人..!!=p//
接下来,6点了..就送amily回家..因为她不能出晚..她家人不肯..剩下她,我们想着要送什么给辉..就去spring的pakson看wallet..除了sang,我们也计划买necktie给他..他三月多生日,所以就早送..因为吟听他说他缺necktie,某几月还要参加他[朋友的哥的wedding在australia..所以我们编了谎..我叫他帮我选给我爸的礼物..看哪个是他看的顺眼..他选了两条,他想买,可是我应他:我买给我爸的,干嘛要跟我买一样的..等下撞necktie阿..大伙一直劝他不要买..叫他回australia自己买..哈哈..(好贱哦我们..)我就去还钱..过后也买了给辉的礼物..他们选了andre michelle的wallet..满美一下的..
我叫吟陪我逛女装的..我顺便去问counter的人,我是否可以用我在riverside parkson的voucher,,她说可以..woo~我就很爽的去看我顺眼的东西,,看重了一条short jeans和一条白衣..两个穿起来还满搭的,..可是我不想花太多钱耶..心想:一个月就买给自己喜欢的一个东西(只能一个而已哦!!)呵呵..就选了那条衣,79$..jeans就等我两个姐回来再说吧..反正我还有的是机会..因为她们两一定会去spring的..那条衣也剩下一件..当然得买咯..呵呵/..终于用了我的50$ voucher..我不要浪费它所以就赶快用了它..
after that,就去载另一个女子叫燕霞..就去causeway bay 吃..sang本来要去天厨吃的,..可是被人包掉..就去c那吃咯..吃着一半,大伙就把sang的礼物交待给我,要我拿给他..我就告诉他:其实我的爸爸就是你啦~...他静了一阵子..呆掉了..哈哈哈..全部人都看着他..他说他很感动..还说:早知道是买给我就选贵一点的啦~大伙听了就想把脚上的鞋子丢他..哈哈..=)
吟问我明天要去辉那吗..我不知道..明天再说吧!我的battery都用完了..走了half day~
下午一点做着我的chemistry reports,吟打来给我问我要出吗..去吃午餐..我想,sang 27号就要回了,就okay lo..他载了我,有两个新朋友..女的..不算新的啦..我看过的,在koperasi那做的勒..这次的trips有加了amily,和那两个女的..full~呵呵..sang想到要去damai,就问大家同意吗..我们整个吓到..去就去咯..去新建的,damai puri(还不是damai lagoon)=.=..
到了那,大门看起来没什么差别..就只有它的swimming pool在建着新的,而且还有新的swimming pool设备.很可爱..还有蘑姑的模型,和滑板呢!待了一个小时就下了..去palm garden那吃午餐..全部人都饿扁了..吃完后,好可爱的猴子哦..真的好像人勒..会跟你伸手要东西的阿..很可爱..我叫ki yin给它们俩盒的soya bean,一个是大的一个是大的孩子..真的很有灵性咯..大的抢来盒,小的就一直挤去大的下面,喝它滴下来的..看了我们笑哈哈.真是的..~只能说..猴子真的是人..!!=p//
接下来,6点了..就送amily回家..因为她不能出晚..她家人不肯..剩下她,我们想着要送什么给辉..就去spring的pakson看wallet..除了sang,我们也计划买necktie给他..他三月多生日,所以就早送..因为吟听他说他缺necktie,某几月还要参加他[朋友的哥的wedding在australia..所以我们编了谎..我叫他帮我选给我爸的礼物..看哪个是他看的顺眼..他选了两条,他想买,可是我应他:我买给我爸的,干嘛要跟我买一样的..等下撞necktie阿..大伙一直劝他不要买..叫他回australia自己买..哈哈..(好贱哦我们..)我就去还钱..过后也买了给辉的礼物..他们选了andre michelle的wallet..满美一下的..
我叫吟陪我逛女装的..我顺便去问counter的人,我是否可以用我在riverside parkson的voucher,,她说可以..woo~我就很爽的去看我顺眼的东西,,看重了一条short jeans和一条白衣..两个穿起来还满搭的,..可是我不想花太多钱耶..心想:一个月就买给自己喜欢的一个东西(只能一个而已哦!!)呵呵..就选了那条衣,79$..jeans就等我两个姐回来再说吧..反正我还有的是机会..因为她们两一定会去spring的..那条衣也剩下一件..当然得买咯..呵呵/..终于用了我的50$ voucher..我不要浪费它所以就赶快用了它..
after that,就去载另一个女子叫燕霞..就去causeway bay 吃..sang本来要去天厨吃的,..可是被人包掉..就去c那吃咯..吃着一半,大伙就把sang的礼物交待给我,要我拿给他..我就告诉他:其实我的爸爸就是你啦~...他静了一阵子..呆掉了..哈哈哈..全部人都看着他..他说他很感动..还说:早知道是买给我就选贵一点的啦~大伙听了就想把脚上的鞋子丢他..哈哈..=)
吟问我明天要去辉那吗..我不知道..明天再说吧!我的battery都用完了..走了half day~
今天是初十五,也就是所谓的chap goh mei元宵节了~我下午有补习..咳,怎么我会这么糊涂呢!!竟然sent错msg...故事是这样开始..
我有一个男生朋友,我称他为'no teeth'..(我知道我很坏!,我会取给他这个名是因为以前他的一个门牙断掉,thats why!!)他跟他的女朋友form 4的坐我后面后面..他们两真吵..女的很会发脾气..一直限制男的不可做这做那..我身为他的朋友,都为他感到很可怜..而且我很闲那女的..闲死了..就msg lazy gal..因为她跟那男的同班..所以想告诉她关于他..哪知,糊里糊涂的我不小心sent给当事人也就是no neeth..
我写的是"that no neeth's gf so da xiao jie 1,keep on argue with him,sien ar heard tiok..pity him.."
天阿..我没脸阿..就一直假装写字..我一直心想,oh oh,no teeth 有save 我的号码勒..完蛋了真的完蛋了..可是我听到no neeth一直讲:是谁阿?很熟的号码勒..
过了一回,我偷看电话,他回我的msg问我是谁..当时的我就phew~了一下..心想好才他不知我是谁..我就立刻回他,是sent错..又一阵子他写到,你在讲什么阿??我知道你是谁了..!oh oh..我这次完蛋了..刚好放学了..我最后一个出..我假装不要望着那女的..OS:我干嘛要怕你阿??我应该管她的..是她自几在班上吵死了..我这样讲有错魅!!(其实是在自我安慰啦!哈哈=p)不管这件事了..hn..
已晚上8pm了..sang突然msg我问我要出吗?有哪里我想去的吗?我在想,今天元宵节勒他会主动找我还真是第一次呢!呵呵..我告诉他我要去吟的家..因为她一直说我没去她家拜年..他okay.. in the car,no neeth call me..he ask me is yen yen ha? i say yes..and tel him im very sorry that i talk against his gf,..what made him moody is the nickname i cal him' no teeth'..i keep on apologise wit him..haha..haiy..cannot say ppl liao..if not will balas on me!!eng eng!!=p..
we 2 reach yin's hse,their new fren cal kok hui..他们的tae朋友国辉刚从sing回来...一下子就聊的很开了.sang带我们去ly的哥哥那..小女子没下来..可能是睡着了吧..跟他哥聊天after that就去jln song那吃satay..我隐隐约约的看见ming的背影..猜到就是他了..辉叫我们星期日去他的家..是他的生日..他们说他是特地回来庆祝他的21岁生日..待到11.20pm才回家..三个女子傻傻的看他们聊天..呵呵..我们只好讲我们的咯..
fs的dash msg我在fs说看见我`在jln song..他阿..真是隐形人..有好几次他都有看到我在某某地方,可是我都没看见..真恐怖呐!
我有一个男生朋友,我称他为'no teeth'..(我知道我很坏!,我会取给他这个名是因为以前他的一个门牙断掉,thats why!!)他跟他的女朋友form 4的坐我后面后面..他们两真吵..女的很会发脾气..一直限制男的不可做这做那..我身为他的朋友,都为他感到很可怜..而且我很闲那女的..闲死了..就msg lazy gal..因为她跟那男的同班..所以想告诉她关于他..哪知,糊里糊涂的我不小心sent给当事人也就是no neeth..
我写的是"that no neeth's gf so da xiao jie 1,keep on argue with him,sien ar heard tiok..pity him.."
天阿..我没脸阿..就一直假装写字..我一直心想,oh oh,no teeth 有save 我的号码勒..完蛋了真的完蛋了..可是我听到no neeth一直讲:是谁阿?很熟的号码勒..
过了一回,我偷看电话,他回我的msg问我是谁..当时的我就phew~了一下..心想好才他不知我是谁..我就立刻回他,是sent错..又一阵子他写到,你在讲什么阿??我知道你是谁了..!oh oh..我这次完蛋了..刚好放学了..我最后一个出..我假装不要望着那女的..OS:我干嘛要怕你阿??我应该管她的..是她自几在班上吵死了..我这样讲有错魅!!(其实是在自我安慰啦!哈哈=p)不管这件事了..hn..
已晚上8pm了..sang突然msg我问我要出吗?有哪里我想去的吗?我在想,今天元宵节勒他会主动找我还真是第一次呢!呵呵..我告诉他我要去吟的家..因为她一直说我没去她家拜年..他okay.. in the car,no neeth call me..he ask me is yen yen ha? i say yes..and tel him im very sorry that i talk against his gf,..what made him moody is the nickname i cal him' no teeth'..i keep on apologise wit him..haha..haiy..cannot say ppl liao..if not will balas on me!!eng eng!!=p..
we 2 reach yin's hse,their new fren cal kok hui..他们的tae朋友国辉刚从sing回来...一下子就聊的很开了.sang带我们去ly的哥哥那..小女子没下来..可能是睡着了吧..跟他哥聊天after that就去jln song那吃satay..我隐隐约约的看见ming的背影..猜到就是他了..辉叫我们星期日去他的家..是他的生日..他们说他是特地回来庆祝他的21岁生日..待到11.20pm才回家..三个女子傻傻的看他们聊天..呵呵..我们只好讲我们的咯..
fs的dash msg我在fs说看见我`在jln song..他阿..真是隐形人..有好几次他都有看到我在某某地方,可是我都没看见..真恐怖呐!
Friday, February 22, 2008
2nd round for laksa
in the morning,i woke up at 9pm.2 of my tuition frens came to my hse..suppose got 5person,but 3 of them got reason so now left 2,,.is lin chien and yen hua..2 of them comment my laksa not very HOT too..aiyoyo..kenapa ni macam??mahu pengsan sudah..expert eat pedas ho??behtahan you all..also get cheated frm the colour..haha..3 of us watch the japan's drama..especially yen hua,most loved to watch this kind of drama..they back at 2pm..then i quickly preparing myself..they bought the ticket already at 3.3o..
we straight go to the cinema,.yin saw faustine with a taller guy..she ask me to see..but me so blur keep on turning around asked : where?where?where..haha..she didnt see us..she watch the same movie with us..sang told me actually he watch cj7 already,but he said he sacrifice for us..wah!sang,you very generous ho!(ewek..=P)
i think every1 will said the 'qiong kong chat hou"(cantonese) very cute right?haha..damn damn cute..i cry when reach the final parts which dicky was cry for his father's death..very touching!let me think of her too..after watching,we went to jade pot eat,.5pm already..
yin told me got 2 guys keep on looking at me..but my back is face them..thats mean they only saw my back and side cheek..i didnt look back..keep on makan makan..chap xiao them~woo..actually im stil got 'hang qing' 1..whahahha..(face so thick ho this gal)..=p..after eating,i asked sang fetch me to my fren hse..
xing xing damn cute..her mum also chating with me..she ask me eat kolomee again..wah,..saya memang kuat makan..haha..chit chat until 9pm,then she sent me back home..dad said wholeday didnt see my face,asked me where am i went to..hahha..speechelss~
in the morning,i woke up at 9pm.2 of my tuition frens came to my hse..suppose got 5person,but 3 of them got reason so now left 2,,.is lin chien and yen hua..2 of them comment my laksa not very HOT too..aiyoyo..kenapa ni macam??mahu pengsan sudah..expert eat pedas ho??behtahan you all..also get cheated frm the colour..haha..3 of us watch the japan's drama..especially yen hua,most loved to watch this kind of drama..they back at 2pm..then i quickly preparing myself..they bought the ticket already at 3.3o..
we straight go to the cinema,.yin saw faustine with a taller guy..she ask me to see..but me so blur keep on turning around asked : where?where?where..haha..she didnt see us..she watch the same movie with us..sang told me actually he watch cj7 already,but he said he sacrifice for us..wah!sang,you very generous ho!(ewek..=P)
i think every1 will said the 'qiong kong chat hou"(cantonese) very cute right?haha..damn damn cute..i cry when reach the final parts which dicky was cry for his father's death..very touching!let me think of her too..after watching,we went to jade pot eat,.5pm already..
yin told me got 2 guys keep on looking at me..but my back is face them..thats mean they only saw my back and side cheek..i didnt look back..keep on makan makan..chap xiao them~woo..actually im stil got 'hang qing' 1..whahahha..(face so thick ho this gal)..=p..after eating,i asked sang fetch me to my fren hse..
xing xing damn cute..her mum also chating with me..she ask me eat kolomee again..wah,..saya memang kuat makan..haha..chit chat until 9pm,then she sent me back home..dad said wholeday didnt see my face,asked me where am i went to..hahha..speechelss~
lakSa, mY firsT timE
i invite mY ganGs comE to my hsE eat laksA..who cookEd it??is mE lo..haha..i was sneaking around learning frm my Kl kakak yatI..so that will be my 1st time for cook laksa..at night,yin came 1st,.everytime when she came to my house,im supposed have to wait for her and open dor for her,right?.but thats not me!!~im still sleeping..haha..she is my regular guest thats why i jus wait for her in my room!wahhaha..
after that is la&feli..feli told me that she have to leave by 8pm..she got to out with her gangs too,..then my final gangs is sang,sing and ky..ting will be late too,bcos her cousin got open house..my gangs told me,my laksa colour is very nice,seems like damn delicious,BUT not hot(spicy) at all!!!!!that feli ar,told me she can drink finish like drink water..oh my gosh!its feel like hot to me already,they still insulting me that not hot..adumah..i really cant stand it..hahha..they all very good in makan pedasnya..0.0''

the most funny is,they all get cheated by the colour of the laksa..wooohoohoohooo...=)it prove that my laksa is actually very nice 1,..i know you all very kiang eat spicy lah,owes suan me nia..nevermind!but i know how to eat sweet!!hahahah..after finish eating,sure wont without gambling..the last gangs is sang them..we decide watch cj7 tomolo..yin n sang actually wan watch kungfy dunk,but me n sing said we already watch,don feel like wanna watch 2nd times,so conclusion is perfer cj7..haha,..me n sing win it..=p
i invite mY ganGs comE to my hsE eat laksA..who cookEd it??is mE lo..haha..i was sneaking around learning frm my Kl kakak yatI..so that will be my 1st time for cook laksa..at night,yin came 1st,.everytime when she came to my house,im supposed have to wait for her and open dor for her,right?.but thats not me!!~im still sleeping..haha..she is my regular guest thats why i jus wait for her in my room!wahhaha..
after that is la&feli..feli told me that she have to leave by 8pm..she got to out with her gangs too,..then my final gangs is sang,sing and ky..ting will be late too,bcos her cousin got open house..my gangs told me,my laksa colour is very nice,seems like damn delicious,BUT not hot(spicy) at all!!!!!that feli ar,told me she can drink finish like drink water..oh my gosh!its feel like hot to me already,they still insulting me that not hot..adumah..i really cant stand it..hahha..they all very good in makan pedasnya..0.0''
the most funny is,they all get cheated by the colour of the laksa..wooohoohoohooo...=)it prove that my laksa is actually very nice 1,..i know you all very kiang eat spicy lah,owes suan me nia..nevermind!but i know how to eat sweet!!hahahah..after finish eating,sure wont without gambling..the last gangs is sang them..we decide watch cj7 tomolo..yin n sang actually wan watch kungfy dunk,but me n sing said we already watch,don feel like wanna watch 2nd times,so conclusion is perfer cj7..haha,..me n sing win it..=p
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
aT leasT i gOt his news
one 14th nigHt,while im sms-ing with lazy gal in front of my computer,a person came and nugde me in msN..its made me shocked quite a fews minute..is him..
hmm feeling was too complicated what im memorising for now ..aN un expected gift frm mum..mayb my mum now that only knew whose that guy..haeha..1 year already..so didnt think too much for now..jus happy that i met him in msn for my 1st time..
frm june 07 until now,i nvr met him in msn beforE..it is a reward frm mother earth, i guess so..while chatting with him,then forgot reply lazy gal's msg..haha..soRRY...#.# i know my lazy gal is a very understanding lady..whaha..=p..
i just wanted to know how's his life going on..thats all for me..thats why im still stay in single status..and its very natural ..let go is a way ..
heart is peaceful ..im enjoying it!don live in heart pain..i know im talking crap with u all,thats what you think.~but im seriously telling,.i thought i would stay away frm him after 2007,but it didnt work..jus thinking on him SOMETIME..
whenever you want give up a person you have feeling to,but chances will always make you return and look back..what a coinceidence or faTe??minds is always with your thinking..
what i want to express in my blog is,i stil nvr met a nails like him,thats why im stil very childish..jus 1sight love..its rubbish..dont ever fall in this trap,my frens..
hmm feeling was too complicated what im memorising for now ..aN un expected gift frm mum..mayb my mum now that only knew whose that guy..haeha..1 year already..so didnt think too much for now..jus happy that i met him in msn for my 1st time..
frm june 07 until now,i nvr met him in msn beforE..it is a reward frm mother earth, i guess so..while chatting with him,then forgot reply lazy gal's msg..haha..soRRY...#.# i know my lazy gal is a very understanding lady..whaha..=p..
i just wanted to know how's his life going on..thats all for me..thats why im still stay in single status..and its very natural ..let go is a way ..
heart is peaceful ..im enjoying it!don live in heart pain..i know im talking crap with u all,thats what you think.~but im seriously telling,.i thought i would stay away frm him after 2007,but it didnt work..jus thinking on him SOMETIME..
whenever you want give up a person you have feeling to,but chances will always make you return and look back..what a coinceidence or faTe??minds is always with your thinking..
what i want to express in my blog is,i stil nvr met a nails like him,thats why im stil very childish..jus 1sight love..its rubbish..dont ever fall in this trap,my frens..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
早上,妈咪叫我跟着johnny koh koh送ling去上学..ling很生气妈咪..因为妈咪不肯让她不去学校..其实ling是想要送我的..在路上时,她告诉我她打算翘课..她八点上课..刚好准准八点了..她带我去kfc吃早餐先..kl的kfc也有24小时营业的..呵呵..吃了八点多,她的朋友也到colledge了..所以我们两就互相说再见了..回到家,就冲凉,整理行李了..爸跟大姐先去pavilion的店处理一些insurance,我收拾好就一个一个的把行李搬下来..妈咪就交待她的红包给我,叫我转交给阿姨们..我的flight是6.35pm的//一点这样就出发..我们先去bangsar village吃午餐..uncle zahari也有去,因为他要送我..我们去fish&co吃..
上面这对夫妻就是我的干mummy&daddy了..还有我的大姐和小弟也有跟着来..大姐吃完午餐就要去作工了..所以我跟她在bangsar village的停车场道别..要上车的时侯,uncle zahari跟我握手,我也不以为意地去跟他握手,怎知感觉到原来他塞钱给我,.我还给他可他不接受..所以我就只好收下了..他也把我当成是他的女儿般对待..送我和爸到了sentral,我跟mummy&gary拥抱..哭了..我不敢回头望着她们,,可是最后走到一半我望回去..哭得很惨所以就下定决心上了巴士..不敢望他们..在巴士,我已哭成泪人了..很想念妈咪..就这样6days kl trips结束了..
KL trips (5)
last day for shopping ler..2sistar got to working le,so today's plan was went out with mummy&daddy and ling..we went to 1U(one utama) shopping 1st..dad bought gary his sch shoe then i bought my shoe too..mummy called us go shopping ourselve,,then me n ling walk wholeday after that felt very hungry..ling brought me to the new wing rainforest there have our lunch..thats the bridge!very nice..totally looks like in the forest..hehe..
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she ask me want go where eat..hmm secret recipe lo..she introduced me their cakes..called "indulgence"..what a small cup of orange juice !i stil thought that will be a tall glass orange juice..iish,..and that is mine bolognise spaghetti..sayang kakak yati don have the chance to cook spaghetti for me,.then ling ask me to prefer spaghetti ..haha..
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last day for shopping ler..2sistar got to working le,so today's plan was went out with mummy&daddy and ling..we went to 1U(one utama) shopping 1st..dad bought gary his sch shoe then i bought my shoe too..mummy called us go shopping ourselve,,then me n ling walk wholeday after that felt very hungry..ling brought me to the new wing rainforest there have our lunch..thats the bridge!very nice..totally looks like in the forest..hehe..
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she ask me want go where eat..hmm secret recipe lo..she introduced me their cakes..called "indulgence"..what a small cup of orange juice !i stil thought that will be a tall glass orange juice..iish,..and that is mine bolognise spaghetti..sayang kakak yati don have the chance to cook spaghetti for me,.then ling ask me to prefer spaghetti ..haha..
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after having our lunch,we went to met mummy's them..then went to plaza low yat..dad wanted to looking for the pc monitor screen..mummy bought me 2pendrive to called me to save my files..ling wanted to buy her hp too..but found none..she prefer buy frm daddy's fren..captured at 1 of the pc stall there..=)finally dad bought a monitor flat screen..
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a short time for me in kl..
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a short time for me in kl..
Monday, February 18, 2008
KL trips (4)
今天的旅程是去batu caves..只有我和我的家人去..
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到了batu caves,就是所谓的印度庙..你看它的印度神像超超超大的..楼梯也超超超高的..我们先买冰淇淋吃,解解暑..又是大热天讷!吃好后就开始爬楼梯了..

这张是我们以爬到终点的画面了..其实还没爬完koh..你看得到最后最后还有楼梯吗?考你的眼睛..哈哈..我不用算有几层..因为它自己有record下来..总共272层..alang alang的.=p..参观里面的每一个角落后我跟大姐就随便选一个来pray pray..捐钱后那个男子就在我们额头上点一个米黄色的点..看照片吧..看哪个最像印度女子??wahahha..

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它的楼上...jpg)
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今天的旅程是去batu caves..只有我和我的家人去..
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到了batu caves,就是所谓的印度庙..你看它的印度神像超超超大的..楼梯也超超超高的..我们先买冰淇淋吃,解解暑..又是大热天讷!吃好后就开始爬楼梯了..

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这就是crystal discoveries了..我从外面拍下来..满大的啦.. 第二张有一个穿浅紫色的就是ah ying的哥哥..也就是richie koh koh..第三张的就是这个财神爷..它吓死我了..竟然会唱歌,会摇屁股..更怪的是它头也会动..我本来不知道它会动的..就爽爽把手靠在它的肩膀上,哪知其中一个马来staff(名叫rossana)去按它的开关,它就动..我吓了一大跳..哈哈..大姐就跟我拍下来,,真鬼灵精怪..=)
KL trips (3)
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你看这个小弟..很想揍他吼??他的脸就是每次要装cool的..看到就闲,,=p..我们先去sunway的new wing..那个溜冰场是old wing的..我们没玩..很多人..我又怕跌倒..所以看看就好..这就是合照啦..摄影师是老爸..我们的后面其实是一个decorations for the valentines day...它还不能给人进去,当然是要等到真正节日才公开亮相..frm left~ah ying(大舅的女二),二姐,大姐,我,干姐ling..最前面的就是大兔牙gary..
after sunway pyramid then went to megamall midvalley..shop in jusco,i went to the fitting room to try wear this clothing..oh my gosh,i found that im verry old already..you know why??bcos i don like it..though ling say very suit me,looks like young gal,but i definetely refuse to buy it..tthough im stil 17,(very young),but i like simple..i don like too girly cloths..haha..i more like simple..thats too cute for me lah~=p..so i jus captured it as a memory lah..
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过后就去最新的mall,the gardens..它也是跟megamall有关系的..所以不用坐车,走一座桥就到the gardens了..它的建筑物设计很美..很像星星..看照片吧..


我很风趣的告诉老爸."假如外人看到我们一伙这样一起出,以为这个中年的先生育有5女1男阿..呵呵..生出来的个个都不像脸..哈哈..爸和大伙都在一旁笑..我二姐比较像小妈啦..哇哈哈哈..~=P..她超有一副成熟的脸孔..我想看cj7,就跟大姐讲,,大姐okay阿,爸也okay..所以我们去the gardens的戏院 GSC Signature看时间..可惜cj7的位子只剩front seat,没办法就只好看kungfu dunk..门票是20$阿~天阿..真贵..没办法,谁叫它是GSC signature..ling跟我讲GSC 的GOLD CLASS才是最贵的,门票是60$..真是跌破眼镜阿..有钱人才会去花那60$去看一部两小时的戏..我们还有一小时的时间,很空闲,ling刚好要去书店找书,所以就去KL最大间的borders,也是位于the gardens里面..里面还有starbuck cafe勒..爸不想看书所以我们三姐妹和老弟去starbuck坐..
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你看这个小弟..很想揍他吼??他的脸就是每次要装cool的..看到就闲,,=p..我们先去sunway的new wing..那个溜冰场是old wing的..我们没玩..很多人..我又怕跌倒..所以看看就好..这就是合照啦..摄影师是老爸..我们的后面其实是一个decorations for the valentines day...它还不能给人进去,当然是要等到真正节日才公开亮相..frm left~ah ying(大舅的女二),二姐,大姐,我,干姐ling..最前面的就是大兔牙gary..
after sunway pyramid then went to megamall midvalley..shop in jusco,i went to the fitting room to try wear this clothing..oh my gosh,i found that im verry old already..you know why??bcos i don like it..though ling say very suit me,looks like young gal,but i definetely refuse to buy it..tthough im stil 17,(very young),but i like simple..i don like too girly cloths..haha..i more like simple..thats too cute for me lah~=p..so i jus captured it as a memory lah..
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过后就去最新的mall,the gardens..它也是跟megamall有关系的..所以不用坐车,走一座桥就到the gardens了..它的建筑物设计很美..很像星星..看照片吧..


我很风趣的告诉老爸."假如外人看到我们一伙这样一起出,以为这个中年的先生育有5女1男阿..呵呵..生出来的个个都不像脸..哈哈..爸和大伙都在一旁笑..我二姐比较像小妈啦..哇哈哈哈..~=P..她超有一副成熟的脸孔..我想看cj7,就跟大姐讲,,大姐okay阿,爸也okay..所以我们去the gardens的戏院 GSC Signature看时间..可惜cj7的位子只剩front seat,没办法就只好看kungfu dunk..门票是20$阿~天阿..真贵..没办法,谁叫它是GSC signature..ling跟我讲GSC 的GOLD CLASS才是最贵的,门票是60$..真是跌破眼镜阿..有钱人才会去花那60$去看一部两小时的戏..我们还有一小时的时间,很空闲,ling刚好要去书店找书,所以就去KL最大间的borders,也是位于the gardens里面..里面还有starbuck cafe勒..爸不想看书所以我们三姐妹和老弟去starbuck坐..
Friday, February 15, 2008
KL trips (2)
the next morning,mummy woke me up..i asked her where we go today?she said genting...GREAT..i woke my sistar up also..then 12pm we baru started our journey..me, ling and kakak yati seat at the back there..mummy,popo(daddy's mother),lily, pearly seat at the medium there,,in front were my dad and daddy lo..while in the car,do nth so take photo..haha..
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两个小时的车程,累到睡着..好才kakak有带keropok来吃..全部就一直出'crack crack'的声音..到了..我们坐游览车上..哇..年初一还有这么多人..排了差不多有45分钟..就轮到我们咯..
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玩好了,我们都很饿耶..就先去填饱肚子先..去marry brown吃..它的食物好好吃耶..可能是因为我们太饿了所以吃进嘴巴的东西都特别好吃..呵呵..很冷耶..我就先去拿位子坐..坐最角落那..看着第一个的游戏..很多人还排着队..到最后他们testing了很多次才允许他们开始玩..
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吃着一半feli打电话来..她说她看到我..我问她现在在哪哦?她说她在第一的游戏那排着队..哦..看到了..原来是她..呵呵..她和她的弟弟一起..她没有住genting,因为没房间了..所以上来玩就回了等下..也跟我一样咯..她玩完那个就回家了..她妈和爸在casino.她比我先早回..吃饱后,就打算玩最后一个了..就是flume ride..
the 2nd pic is 3 sister's pic..not nice..play this kind of game all not nice 1..cos too cold and wind blow heavily..haha..
the 3rd pic is the game's pic lo..
the 3rd pic is the game's pic lo..
第一张是在排队的时侯姐帮我拍的,第二是在一半的路途拍下来的..呵呵..两个人的上半身和下半生都很湿..被水喷到嘛!第三张是我拍大姐跟二姐的..她们比我们先..呵呵..一个船只能作三个人..所以就分开两个两个..玩这些刺激的游戏都是先慢慢上然后才极速下去的..真恐怖..玩完了这个以经6点了..mummy them called us is time to back home ler..then 4 of us walked to indoor there find them..there waited for us at outside of the hotel..
大合照..回家了..又要排长龙等游览车..在游览车拍的..夕阳下山了.. 九点多才到家..
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
heY guyS..iM baCk~
haiyoyo..1weeks didnt bloggie,so many story to tell about..iish..haha..are you guys missing me??hmm..im gonna make a few parts passage for my KL trips..lets see!!! sO bE patienCe plS~=)
Friday, February 8, 2008
kL trips (1)
this morning,i went to pray my grandfather with my dad..i was fell down when i holded 4 bowl of rices..no cry..got an energy pulls me up..felt giddy and no energy to open my eyes and talk..aunty took me to my car..my thumbs and my 4th finger nail cloth bleeding..left elbow was injured..very sad./.and i telling myself..do not fall down again..不会再有下一次..!!回到家大哥蒜我..他讲:爽啦..跌倒..!!
真吉喔的wor,人家跌倒还在那边落井下石!讨厌..mo zung~冲好凉就整理我的luggage..三点大哥就载我们去机场..everything was going smooth(i mean the counter check in there) then went to starbucks get a drinks..i was order a cup of latte mocha..and dad asked me to order the chicken&mushroom pie..after finished eating,then went to check in ler.,something was happens to us..very funny and curious..that was when me and dad seating at there,1 of the air craft man using the microphones to call me my dad's name..
the conversation
that man : hello,im calling for mr.Voon kuek hiong and miss Voon
nyan nyan,pls come to the counter NOW!!!
me : Di,the man was calling us..u go there awhile to see wat
dad : ok..
(after a few minutes)dad came back..
me : apa hal oh?
dad : i oso donno..aisi,mayb he knew we brought the duck&fish ar.
me : oh oh..how??
that man calling us name again..-.-'']
so we went there see what he want lo..huh..mana tahu he called us to went front there..the reason is we got the Xpress boarding..but me n my dad still blur blur,donno what he talking about..jus follow those old man old woman lo..only 4 of us at the front there..
me : Di,are we old man n old woman,why will follow them de??-.-''
dad : (smilling)..donno..u ask me i ask who..
*已有两年没坐飞机了..两年没去KL了..好想念KL的感觉..飞机起程了,坐在飞机上的那段时间,泪水一滴一滴地掉下去..想着曾经妈护送我一个人到飞机场,两人依依不舍的拥抱着,一起掉眼泪,她就看着我check in,看着我走到未端,她才回..爸不知不觉的就睡着了,所以没看见我掉眼泪..眼泪一直使到我的眼睛很痛,所以就赖在爸的肩膀跟着睡着去..
到咯~以经是7点晚上了..坐Xpress bus下去KL Sentral..johnny&richie在那接我们..坐巴士要四十五分钟呐..我就跟大姐玩msg..(都要见面了还需要sms吗!!呵呵)..看见johnny他们了,他们帮我们搬luggage而我就坐上车享受wish的感觉咯.两年没坐wish了..当然想死它了..呵呵..back to home,gary saw me and quickly hug me..he cried. so do i..i hug my 2 sistar oso..and mummy was prepared the food to pray her father and my mother..we all prayed together..they all not yet have their dinner because they wanted to wait for me n my dad..huhu..after praying,we got started for the "lo sang"也就是捞生咯..大家一起捞阿捞..每个人心中要有祝福就把它念出声..祝每个人身体健康,财元滚进,事事顺利..
吃饱了都已经十点多了..我跟爸上去kor kor alex的房间睡..大姐二姐也特地搬来跟我们一起睡..冲好凉当然是跟我干姐ling,大姐二姐聊天咯..我一直望着时间,想说古晋一定炮声连连了吧..有点不习惯KL的习俗..什么声音都没有..真静..huh..mummy进房间找我,叫我跟她一起睡因为她睡kor kor jon jon的房间看戏..反正房间有很多人睡我也干脆陪她咯..干daddy & 干mummy每次一两点才睡,因为他们要跟远在他乡的两个儿子通skype..alex was in M.U,and jonathan was in France..我们几个女的就plan明天初一要去哪先阿..还没想到就去睡觉了..
this morning,i went to pray my grandfather with my dad..i was fell down when i holded 4 bowl of rices..no cry..got an energy pulls me up..felt giddy and no energy to open my eyes and talk..aunty took me to my car..my thumbs and my 4th finger nail cloth bleeding..left elbow was injured..very sad./.and i telling myself..do not fall down again..不会再有下一次..!!回到家大哥蒜我..他讲:爽啦..跌倒..!!
真吉喔的wor,人家跌倒还在那边落井下石!讨厌..mo zung~冲好凉就整理我的luggage..三点大哥就载我们去机场..everything was going smooth(i mean the counter check in there) then went to starbucks get a drinks..i was order a cup of latte mocha..and dad asked me to order the chicken&mushroom pie..after finished eating,then went to check in ler.,something was happens to us..very funny and curious..that was when me and dad seating at there,1 of the air craft man using the microphones to call me my dad's name..
the conversation
that man : hello,im calling for mr.Voon kuek hiong and miss Voon
nyan nyan,pls come to the counter NOW!!!
me : Di,the man was calling us..u go there awhile to see wat
dad : ok..
(after a few minutes)dad came back..
me : apa hal oh?
dad : i oso donno..aisi,mayb he knew we brought the duck&fish ar.
me : oh oh..how??
that man calling us name again..-.-'']
so we went there see what he want lo..huh..mana tahu he called us to went front there..the reason is we got the Xpress boarding..but me n my dad still blur blur,donno what he talking about..jus follow those old man old woman lo..only 4 of us at the front there..
me : Di,are we old man n old woman,why will follow them de??-.-''
dad : (smilling)..donno..u ask me i ask who..
*已有两年没坐飞机了..两年没去KL了..好想念KL的感觉..飞机起程了,坐在飞机上的那段时间,泪水一滴一滴地掉下去..想着曾经妈护送我一个人到飞机场,两人依依不舍的拥抱着,一起掉眼泪,她就看着我check in,看着我走到未端,她才回..爸不知不觉的就睡着了,所以没看见我掉眼泪..眼泪一直使到我的眼睛很痛,所以就赖在爸的肩膀跟着睡着去..
到咯~以经是7点晚上了..坐Xpress bus下去KL Sentral..johnny&richie在那接我们..坐巴士要四十五分钟呐..我就跟大姐玩msg..(都要见面了还需要sms吗!!呵呵)..看见johnny他们了,他们帮我们搬luggage而我就坐上车享受wish的感觉咯.两年没坐wish了..当然想死它了..呵呵..back to home,gary saw me and quickly hug me..he cried. so do i..i hug my 2 sistar oso..and mummy was prepared the food to pray her father and my mother..we all prayed together..they all not yet have their dinner because they wanted to wait for me n my dad..huhu..after praying,we got started for the "lo sang"也就是捞生咯..大家一起捞阿捞..每个人心中要有祝福就把它念出声..祝每个人身体健康,财元滚进,事事顺利..
吃饱了都已经十点多了..我跟爸上去kor kor alex的房间睡..大姐二姐也特地搬来跟我们一起睡..冲好凉当然是跟我干姐ling,大姐二姐聊天咯..我一直望着时间,想说古晋一定炮声连连了吧..有点不习惯KL的习俗..什么声音都没有..真静..huh..mummy进房间找我,叫我跟她一起睡因为她睡kor kor jon jon的房间看戏..反正房间有很多人睡我也干脆陪她咯..干daddy & 干mummy每次一两点才睡,因为他们要跟远在他乡的两个儿子通skype..alex was in M.U,and jonathan was in France..我们几个女的就plan明天初一要去哪先阿..还没想到就去睡觉了..
Monday, February 4, 2008
妈妈在笑着她的 twins cousin
下午四点备好用品就去妈的焚那儿..葛葛没去,他说他年三十会自己去..清理砖上的污垢,陪她吃oranges,唱歌给她听就回家..五姨和twins阿姨在等着我们..她们没去所以就在家里念经给妈妈..kakak没煮什么所以我就煮煮spaghetti..它最近也算是我的日常晚餐了..家里人多就煮它来吃..,多方便..呵呵..晚上我们一起念,.念完后,其中一个twins的阿姨跟我们说*妈有在当我们念着经*..我都不会认哪个是大的哪个是小的(i mean the aunty twins).她说她闻到了很浓的花香味..像是妈有在场当大家正在念着经..(我昨天确实有买新鲜的花来换,可是我搞不懂真的能闻到它的味道吗??=.=''..有这么浓烈吗??我还在blur blur的情景),只好一直点头说是哈/?是哈?..哈哈..所以我当时也没想这么多..
twins : eh,来了来了那个花香味..有闻到吗你们?/
另外一个twins : 是ho..我也有闻到..很香耶..
下午四点备好用品就去妈的焚那儿..葛葛没去,他说他年三十会自己去..清理砖上的污垢,陪她吃oranges,唱歌给她听就回家..五姨和twins阿姨在等着我们..她们没去所以就在家里念经给妈妈..kakak没煮什么所以我就煮煮spaghetti..它最近也算是我的日常晚餐了..家里人多就煮它来吃..,多方便..呵呵..晚上我们一起念,.念完后,其中一个twins的阿姨跟我们说*妈有在当我们念着经*..我都不会认哪个是大的哪个是小的(i mean the aunty twins).她说她闻到了很浓的花香味..像是妈有在场当大家正在念着经..(我昨天确实有买新鲜的花来换,可是我搞不懂真的能闻到它的味道吗??=.=''..有这么浓烈吗??我还在blur blur的情景),只好一直点头说是哈/?是哈?..哈哈..所以我当时也没想这么多..
twins : eh,来了来了那个花香味..有闻到吗你们?/
另外一个twins : 是ho..我也有闻到..很香耶..
Sunday, February 3, 2008
昨天(sat)吟约我出..他们要我帮她姐挑衣服..十二点多她姐的男友载我去吟的家..因为还要等sang(tom)他们..又是sang带头..跟吟不自觉的聊到三点多..艾呀!时间还过得真快..全部到齐了sang&keyin喊着还没吃午餐~都几点了还没吃午餐..咳~真可怜..去causeway bay吃..吟介绍我他们的朋友颜贞..我知道他啦!因为她一直都有跟我提起他..逛楼上的boutique,sing都看不上眼~
我跟sang说我要去买fresh flowers,因为明天(也就是今天)我要去我妈那儿~去padungan挑十支花..过后就去seberkas..sing还是看不上眼..呵呵..不能怪她都挑不上啦,因为尺寸有限..wahahaha..=P..出了一整天,7.30pm就回家..你知道吗?晚上不会睡了阿..躺到4点多已经是早上了..阿~我的天阿..不会睡!!脑子里都很多东西..我真的不适合出一整天啦~
我跟sang说我要去买fresh flowers,因为明天(也就是今天)我要去我妈那儿~去padungan挑十支花..过后就去seberkas..sing还是看不上眼..呵呵..不能怪她都挑不上啦,因为尺寸有限..wahahaha..=P..出了一整天,7.30pm就回家..你知道吗?晚上不会睡了阿..躺到4点多已经是早上了..阿~我的天阿..不会睡!!脑子里都很多东西..我真的不适合出一整天啦~
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